Chapter 2. Surprises and plans

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Only a week. Only a week longer until February 14th, the night of the formal and also Valentines Day. The teachers, teamed up with student council, had already started decorating the gym for the formal. While they had tried keeping it a secret it had spilled when a student had accidentally walked into the gym having missed the announcements warning students not to.

The entire school was begging to see the now almost fully transformed gym but the teachers, along with the students of student council, refused to show them. So the students were left to only watch as teachers and student council members ran by carrying giant crates and bags towards the gym.

The excitement in Mr. Holm's class had reached a peak when Caroline walked in after being away almost the entire day. She had walked in during the middle of a lesson, an important one none the less, but Mr. Holm was willing to let the excitement slide.

"Have any of you seen Sarah? She went missing a few minutes ago looking for scissors and I though she would be here."

Sarah, the president of student council, was always going missing in the middle of working on the formal decorations or such so the class was already used to Caroline coming in. This time was different though, with only a week to go until the formal everyone was wondering why student council was still working in the gym. Usually at this time they would have been done and be working on getting all the music and songs like they had last time.

"She was just in here. She said she was going to get some kind of paper from Mrs. Montague..." Sarah replied. (Different Sarah)

Caroline nodded. Sarah had said sometime earlier that they needed a certain paper to withstand the paint for the special background they were doing this year. She waved a goodbye to the other Sarah they had in their class before turning to exit the classroom.

"Hey Caroline! Why don't you stay for a while until Sarah comes back!" Kennedy called out.

She, along with the rest of the girls, had missed seeing Caroline and their other friends as much as they did before. With the formal only a week away the student council members weren't even going to the cafeteria to eat with them anymore.

Caroline frowned, caught between the decision of staying and talking with her friends and possibly getting caught and getting yelled at by Sarah, or returning to work on decorating and disappoint her friends. Deep down, Caroline knew what she wanted to do, but the thought of getting in trouble with Sarah and possibly getting kicked off the decoration commity was too big of a risk she wanted to take.

"I would love too but you know I have to get back to the gym and..." Caroline cut herself off, disappointed with herself, as she watched the disappointment wash onto the faces of her friends.

"It's fine. We know you have more important things to do." Kennedy gave her a fake smile, trying to keep the bitterness out of her voice.

She understood why herself, Kathleen, and Senja weren't allowed to help out in decorating for the formal. They wanted it to be special for the three of them since they had missed the last formal but it still dissapointed Kennedy that only the three of them weren't allowed to help out with the decorations. Everyone else in student council was helping out and she could tell by the loud laughs and giggles coming from the direction of the gym that they were having a blast without them.

"I'll see if I can convince Sarah to allow me to eat with you guys in the cafeteria today to make up for this." At this, Caroline exited the class and began heading towards the gym once again.

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