Chapter 3. Dress shoping and promises

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Dresses of all different colours covered the walls in a organized yet close nit fashion. There were dresses of every fabric and every colour yet the girls of RMSS still had trouble finding the 'perfect' dress. They wanted their dresses to catch the attention of the boys they liked, show off to their others friends, or just feel special on the night of the Valentines Formal because that's what it was for. The Valentines Day Formal was supposed to be a night of fun and romance so everyone wanted their dresses to be 'perfect'.

"There is nothing I like!" Complained Mya, hanging up the thousandth dress she'd looked at since they had arrived.

The rest of the girls nodded in agreement. This was the third store they had checked out and still only one of them had found a dress. Usually it would never be this hard to find a dress but all the stores the girls would usually go to were already sold out as other people from their school or others who were going to the dance had gotten there first.

"I can't believe you guys are having such a hard time choosing a dress," Caroline sighed, "We've been here two hours and you guys still haven't found anything you like!"

"That is kinda true guys..." Kennedy piped in, moving out from behind a rack of dresses to face her friends.

"Fine..." Brianna sighed, "We'll take a short break to get something to eat and sit down for a few minutes."

All the girls cheered. Even though they were all excited about finding a dress, two hours of shopping would tire out almost everyone. They waited for Caroline to finished paying for her dress before they exited the store and began walking towards the food court they had in their mall. The food court mostly had fast food restaurants like A&W, Subway, and New York Fries, but they did have other things like an Italian restaurant and a Chinese restaurant.

The group all split up to go order their food. Hailey, Mya, Sarah, and Caroline all going to Subway, Brianna and Kathleen going to Venalies (Italian restaurant), and Kennedy and Senja going to New York Fries. Once the group had ordered their food they sat down at a table and began talking about what store they would look through next and what kind of dresses they wanted.

"I want a dress that goes down to at least my knees, preferably straps since last formal was awful without them, and it has to be either some kind of blue, preferably light blue, or a pink." Brianna stated, smiling slightly as she imagined what she wanted her dress to look like.

"What about that dress you looked at earlier? Was that one not good enough?" Hailey joked, rolling her eyes playfully at Brianna, the dress Brianna had looked at earlier was everything she had just described but she had decided against buying it.

"I didn't like the colour of it!" Brianna protested and began a rant about how it was too dark for her and she didn't like the sparkles on it. The girls just laughed and purposely tuned out Brianna's rant, discussing what dresses they thought looked good on each other and who they expected to be asked to the dance.

"Wait... Is that the guys?" Sarah exclaimed pointing towards one of the stores they had seen earlier, squinting to see through the crowds of people blocking her from getting a perfect view.

At this, all the girls wiped around trying to get a good view at where Sarah had pointed. In the end Kathleen ended up getting up from the table and walking towards where Sarah had pointed wanting to know whether or not they were freaking out for nothing or if the boys were actually there.

No one wanted the boys there as they might see what dresses the girls were going to be wearing. They wanted their dresses to be a surprise to their other school and classmates so the guys being there was a big no-no for them. Last formal they had tried keeping their dresses a secret but one of the guys had seen them walk out of a store with their dresses and had told everyone at their school what dresses they had bought.

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