My heart was suddenly beating so fast.
" Do I always get this nervous?" I questioned to myself.
" Well , no point in me spoiling the surprise now. We may wait until they arrive." Simon replied.
Time felt like it was going slower with every second dragging 10 times as long. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I heard laughter outside.
" Ok , girl group it is. But who?" I thought.
The next thing I knew, Simon was up off his seat and opening the door.
The first thing I noticed was how the girls greeted Simon. I noticed a small burst of energy excitedly run over to Simon and hug him.
However Simon was blocking my path of view so I couldn't make out who it was.
" I recognise the voices but who the heck are they?" I raked through my brain trying to figure out who they were but nothing was popping up.
I stood up out of my seat because I figured I better greet my future clients as well.
Walking over beside Simon, It suddenly dawned on me. Staring at the girls, a small cute little ball of energy, a beautiful dark skin beauty, a Tongan princess, a tanned skinned flawless with long black hair.
I counted up. 4? I'm pretty sure there's a fifth person.
" Hi Simon! " came the fifth voice.
I looked up. Staring me right in the eye was a green eyed goddess. With long black hair and a flawless complexion she smiled at me.
It finally dawned on me who they were.
It was the talented Fifth Harmony.

For those who don't know, I met the girl group about 3 years ago at the X-Factor. My mom was a judge for the show and helped put the girls together. We would gather before and after the show and a few times I would meet up with the girls and we would just hang out. I wouldn't say we were best friends but rather close if that makes sense? After the show my mom invited the girls to be her support act for her Neon Lights Tour and so our friendship had gotten stronger then with chill days on the bus, pranks being pulled onstage and backstage and beach days.
But being that a good 2 years ago I kind of lost contact with the girls. Don't get me wrong, tweets and Instagram mentions were going back and forth but that friendship was barely there anymore.

Now, standing infront of the girls a nervous but huge grin formed on my face. That was soon interrupted into a shock face as Ally soon let out a shriek
" Hi Emily! Oh my God! What has it been? Like 2 years?! How are you? Just look at you!"
Soon I was engulfed in a hug. And the next thing I knew, 4 other pairs of hands had grasped around me.
Embarrassment soon filled my face. Giggling, the 5 girls pulled away and headed over to the desk. Following them, I sat on the only empty seat left which was beside Normani.

The meeting overall took nearly an hour. Basically things that were discussed were the prospects of working together to produce an album , put out a new single and working out future schedules for us to gather together and start writing.
After the meeting and the signing of contracts, we were to part ways. The girls had an interview to go to and I had lunch with my dad. Exchanging numbers , we said our goodbyes.

Getting into my car was a struggle. I thought that I had been fairly successful with slipping away unnoticed. Glancing ahead I had been proved wrong.
" Shit, mom's gonna be pissed." I said to myself. Anywhere I go, she insists I bring Max , her bodyguard but I assured that I would stay on the low.
Approaching my car, fans started to swarm around me and a few paps were following suit.
" Hi! OMG. Emily! Can we get a picture! Please!"
" Please, can you sign this!"
" Can you say hello to my friend! We love you so so much!"
Voices were coming in every direction.
Stopping, I smiled for pictures and signed a few pages. Thankfully there weren't many fans or else hell would have broken out.
Putting my head down and waving to the paps I got in my car. Putting my music up loud, I pulled away from the car park.

I had about 15 minutes to spare before lunch with my dad but I headed on into the little diner and waited for him. Grabbing a seat at the back with a window, I scrolled through my phone. A waiter had come ahead and asked for drinks so I ordered 2 waters. Looking out the window I saw my dad's car pull up.

For those who are unsure of situation, my mom and dad aren't together anymore but are still great friends. On terms with whom I stay with, I mainly stay with my mom however every second weekend, I stay at my dad's place.

Glancing over my shoulder , I saw my dad approaching so I stood up and greeted him with a hug.
" Hey squirt ( i know, enough with the old nickname already) how have you been?"

Zooming ahead, lunch was finished. Filling each other in on the week's events, we said our goodbyes and parted. By now it was 3:45pm and I had to be at the studio by 5pm for Alessia meaning I had some time to spare. Opening the front door of my house, I shouted
" Honey I'm home!"
" In the living room!" Shouted a voice.
Walking into the living room, Wilmer was sat with Batman watching the TV.
" Hey Wil." I greeted as I sat down on the sofa.
" Hey mija. Your mom is in the office making a few phone calls and should be out soon. How was your day?" Questioned Wilmer.
" yeah it was interesting. Yanno the usual. Ohhh btw, you know Fifth Harmony? Well you're looking at their new producer" I grinned.
" Em , that's great! How was lunch with your dad?" Replied Wilmer.
" Yeah, it was alright. He's leaving in a few days to head to New York so I'll be staying here inside of at his." I replied.
Hearing movement, I turned my head and saw my mom come walking into the living room and sit beside Wilmer.
" So, you heard the great news I assume?" Smiled my mom.
I grinned , " yeah! It's great too because I haven't seen the girls in a good while."
" So to celebrate why don't we go out for dinner?" Asked my mom.
Remembering I have to be in the studio for 5pm, I groaned.
" awhh I can't. I've to be in the studio in approx 30 minutes. Maybe tomorrow night?
" oh yeah shit I forgot. Yeah yeah of course. You want me to drop you off at the studio?" Asked my mom.
" yeah thanks. Just let me grab my backpack and I'll be down in 5." I replied.

Running upstairs, I grabbed plugged my phone into its charger and fixed my hair. Tonight is one of the last nights of being in the studio with Alessia before her EP is released. I plan on hopefully leaving the studio early tonight as a few touch ups to the final song is all that is needed.
Grabbing my backpack and unplugging my phone, I ran downstairs.
" Bye Wilmer!" I shouted before leaving.
Seeing my mom already in the car, I hopped in.
"What time do you think you'll be back at tonight?" Asked my mom.
I smirked at my mom. "Why? You want me to take my time for a certain something for someone?"
"Oh My God! Emily, you need to wash that filthy head of yours out! I was just gonna ask if you wanted some food tonight but now because of what you said, I don't think I'll bother asking you." Remarked my mom.
Laughing I turned up the music and leaned my head back in the head rest. I'm at the peak of my career and I honestly couldn't have asked for anything more but I felt like there was something missing but what it was , was the question.
Feeling the car edge to a stop, I leaned over to kiss my mom on the cheek.
" No but seriously, call me if you want me to take my time. BYE LOVE YOU!"
With that, I hopped out of the car before she could get a chance to grab my shirt.
Walking into the studio, I headed on down to end room and opened the locked door with my own key. Perks of this job was being able to walk into the studio and just chill by myself. As it was near the end of the EP getting released, that meant that I was mainly in the studio myself just touching up certain parts. Any major touch ups that was needed I would call Alessia and her executive producer to come in and listen to the new changes.
Tonight was one of the nights I was to be alone which I didn't mind. 
Turning the lights down low and the music up, I lay back in the chair and tried to get into the atmosphere and mood of the song.
This continued for well over an hour. Feeling satisfied with the outcome of the EP, I switched everything off and locked the door.
Heading up the hallway, I heard music which was unusual because people never came here after 5 on a weekend. Walking towards the sound, I stopped outside a door that was a few doors down from where I had previously been. Looking into the window, I could barely make out anyone as they had the lights turned down low. But by the outlines, I realised only one person was in the room. Listening closely, I could make out a low , raspy voice singing what sounded to be like a slow ballad. Uncertain in whether or not I should knock the door to introduce, I just stood outside the door. Now the Emily that I know would never have knocked on the door.  I probably would have just walked on past. So here I stood outside the door contemplating on whether or not to go in and suddenly I heard the door open.
" Shit , shit, holy shit. Just walk on, go Em, move those feet." I was shouting to myself however did it help? Nope. I felt like my feet were glued to the floor.
Trying to compose myself, I leant down to 'tie' my lace. I had to play it off and that was the only lame excuse that came to mind.
Hearing the door open, I stood up.
Hearing a giggle I looked up.
" I thought I heard someone outside. Oh, Emily! I never knew this was where your studio was! Hi , again! Why don't you come inside and have a listen to my track?"
Looking up, I made eye contact to the owner of the raspy voice. There, staring at me were the intriguing greenest eyes I ever saw....
" Lauren" came a faint whisper from my throat.

Behind Closed Doors - Demi Lovato / Lauren Jauregui / YouWhere stories live. Discover now