Start from the beginning

Hope. She was filled with hope that I was finally making a recovery after all this time.

"Oh! " she paused. "You received this in the mail this morning. It doesn't have a name on it..."

She handed me a yellow package with my name written on it in a dark, calligraphic handwriting.

A wave a fear shot down my spine and I instantly was able to tell who it was from.

I held back my fear and wore a mask of surprise. "Thanks! "

I took the package from my mother and walked to my room. The package was most definitely from my kidnapper, and I began to wonder what sort of message it could hold this time.

I ripped open the package at the top and pulled out three items.

The first item was a withered rose, falling apart from its lack of water.

The second item was a neatly folded letter.

Lastly, I pulled the final item from the was a blood-stained scalpel, most likely one of the one that he had used to cut me during my kidnapping.

It fell to the floor, my hands shaking violently.

I controlled my breathing as I opened the letter.

"My dearest Celeste,

I hope that you enjoy the gifts I send to you in this package... The scalpel was hardest to give up because it was the last thing that touched you before our time together had ended. I miss those days. "

Fear filled every vien in my body and my heart rate increased, as I remembered the violent cuts, one for each day.

I remembered the pain his hands inflicted on my skin, every time he hit me.

I continued to read the letter.

" I've been growing more impatient with each passing day. I long for the day that I have you back. This time you will not escape me.

I'm hoping that when I decide to take you, (very soon, my love) that you will not fight me. I would hate for something to happen to the people you love... "

What if I've already failed...all of those efforts to push people away...he would still harm them?

My hands shook and I fought away tears as I read the last of the letter.

" I will do whatever is necessary to take you away again. You will belong to me in the end Celeste.

I must say, I'm proud of you. You've been practicing those fighting skills! It will make our time so much more fun.

I hope that your pretty little face wasn't too injured after that last fight though. I may have hired someone, just to see how much you could take. You lasted a bit longer than I thought, which was why I made sure to teach you a lesson.

No matter how much of a fight you put up...every thing is gonna catch up to you and knock you out cold.

Be ready my Celeste, for when I come for you...if you don't submit, someone could pay for it. "

A tear fell across the letter when my eyes scanned over the bottom of the paper.

A picture for each person I had been even the slightest bit close to was taped to the bottom of the page.

Jason, Lucas, Stella, Simon, and my parents were only a few of the ones taped to the page.

The letter fell from my hands and an uncontrollable sob escaped from me. I haven't cried for the longest time, I locked emotion away after the kidnapping.

The tears then fell like a waterfall as I broke into pieces. I didn't realize how long I've kept control until everything fell apart.

After a minute or so of crying, I sobered up in an instant.

I had a small plan growing in my mind.

I needed to keep those closest to me safe...When my kidnapper comes for me, I will be ready. I will not fight him, I'll go willingly. If he's distracted by me, hopefully those I cared for would be safe.

I've accepted my fate and decided that I should make something in order to inform my family in case if something went wrong in my plan.

I took a clean notebook from my closet and began to write.

I hope I have enough time to let them back into my life, I may never see them again if my kidnapper is successful...


Hey readers!

   Sorry for making you wait so long for the next update...

Thank you for all of the reads and support that you have been giving me on this story! I'll try to update again soon!

    Also the amazing banner for this chapter was from bloomingXhibiscus

Thanks again! :)

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