Ruined plans.

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Richard was furious. How could Missy let something like this happen? Another baby? That wasn't the way things were suppose to be. Two kids, retire early, send them both to  college, live happily ever after. That's it. What in the hell was she thinking? Getting pregnant. How dare she.

When Richard found out he started drinking. Again. 

As the pregnancy progressed, Richard became more violent. Xeyem would go to school with black eyes, split lips. Missy had bruises all over her body. They were all "accidents" He hadn't meant to hit her that hard. He broke his promise. He had laid many a hand on her since the first night. Everyone was damaged in the house except precious little Melony. 

Missy avoided the child when she could. Xeyem wouldn't have anything to do with her. This was the cause for a  lot of the twos beatings. Melony was family, how dare they not treat her as such. Xeyem got in more trouble. Missy became hollow, taking up drinking herself.

In October, 1997, baby Katherine was born. Poor little thing. Born into a broken family. Richard despised her as Missy despised Melony. Missy just didn't care. Xeyem felt a pang of guilt for even thinking to be mean to his new little sister. She didn't do anything wrong. And neither of her parents were caring for her. When it had been a week without a bath for baby Katherine, sitting in dirty diapers and not being fed, Xeyem stepped up. He became the child's mother and father.

Months went by and no one noticed. Xeyem had to deal with school troubles and growing up. He was 14 and in middle school now. He had to deal with bullies and hes seemed far beyond his years. He spent most of the time in his room, with baby Katherine. She was almost 2 now. Missy and Richard didn't even notice her absence. Xeyem used his allowance on food and supplies for the Small child. He would read and his room and entertain Katt. When he went to school, she was alone, but she was used to it. She didn't cry or flip out. She simply waited for her brothers return.

Melony was 4 almost 5 and becoming quite curios with the world. She crawled and walked every where, investigating everything. Richard spoiled her, buying her lots of cute clothes and shoes, even at a young age.

Missy was ageing and she looked way older than she was. She drank More than Richard now. Forgetting of Katt completely, and barely thinking of X. She refused to even touch Melony. One day Melony had broken some glasses, pulling the table cloth off the table and it all toppling on her. Missy didn't help. Melony had to wait for her father to get home to help her. Luckily for the Melony, it was only about 20 mintues before he got home, nevertheless, the child had sat, flailing and hurting herself in the pile of broken glass.

Richard was furious. He helped Melony, fixed her up and cleaned her.  As punishment for his wife, he used the pieces of glass on her. He cut her everywhere, even the most sensitive places. He placed a deep gash above her eyebrow that went all the way down her cheek and across her bottom lip. That would definitely scar. 

Xeyem would've pitied his mother, had she  not given up on him. Xeyem wanted to be older More than anything. He would leave this horrid house and never come back. 

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