Level 19(.5) [FINAL!] : Personal Messages

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  • Dedicated to Mavi 'Shortcake' Chan

Offline:\Sinagtala Relocation Site>

June 20, 2012, Wednesday...

The immense black fabric covering the Philippines' skies gradually drifted itself away, as the sun rose to start a new day. The cockfighter-bred roosters all over the crowded settlement crowed in chorus to start everyone's days. Though not everyone will appreciate the ushering call...

Ren wore his school uniform, then went in front of his mirror. He thought to himself while combing his wet bedhead hair,

"The first time I played that game, I feel like it's adventurous, something great even I see my alter-ego hitting monsters and fellow avatars alike. But this time... I felt something different"

After combing his hair to his favorite fringe hairdo, he felt low as his eyes closed for a moment then he said in a soft voice,

"I'm bothered at everyone's strengths now, some of them really took the game seriously, just like me. Good thing, none of them started throwing money to their avatars. Will I be the first one to power up Rennin with my hard-earned money?"

He left his room and grabbed a pair of pan sandwich filled with coco jam. He ate with his mother and she started a conversation with her only son,

"Ren, how's your dad? Do you still meet him in the game?"

Ren munched a small portion of his sandwich.

"No mom, I think he's occupied by his work in the game"

His mom sipped her mug of coffee then she tightened her lips by the time Ren mentioned his father's work inside NOAH.

"Son, you and your father are getting too hooked on that game! Why don't you sometimes join Roy in other activities then?"

"Wait a minute mom, we're just talkin' about me and dad, why bring up Roy today?"

"Because three of you are all addicted to NOAH, that's why"

"Oh great. Now that you brought up Roy here, he wanted to work with me in Manang Abe's bakery, mom!" Ren said to his mom as if another herd of crowing roosters did another fanfare behind them.

"Really? Therefore Ren, you're starting to inspire other kids of your age then?"

Ren laughed in a mild and amused manner, as his mother's words seemed to be a veil of flattery adorned over his head. That moment is broken until his mom glanced at their plain rounded wall clock,

"Great, you're getting late at Manang Abe's!"

Ren gulped his warm coffee and finished his bread fast. He kissed his ever-loving mother and paced outside their block. However, he met his bespectacled spiky-haired best friend. It was Roy, who longed to earn some money to support his artistic hobby.

"Say, you comin' with me?"

Roy nodded with zest and the two headed to Manang Abe's Bakery by foot.

At the neighborhood streets, while walking their way to the bakery, Roy started a casual conversation with Ren,

"Ren, I'm about to start the comic about a young man from this world to an awesome fantasy universe"

"Would you have all time to work on that one?" Ren said with a doubt.

Roy laughed for a moment and pressed Ren's right shoulder,

"Of course we'll always have time. Though to be honest, I might give up some of my time in NOAH for this"

"If that's what will make your story work, I guess I'll tell Ann about this" Ren's lips curved upward, that many of his facial muscles acted up for an impending disappointing moment of their lives.

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