Level 11: Cash Shop

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  • Dedicated to Eisen Straywaltz

Offline:\Vancouver, Canada\Hastings-Sunrise\N2 Data Center>

Nighttime, after the successful Les-Skaly World Boss campaign...

N2 Data Center, or well-known by Orion's investors as “Nurturing Noah”, is a specialized data center built for NOAH. It is established at Hastings-Sunrise neighborhood, in Vancouver, Canada, a year before NOAH's secretive beta testing was initiated. At N2 Canada's living quarters, a spiky red-haired old man drinking a glass of martini watched different U-Tube video clips about Les-Skaly's epic demise.

The crazily-dressed old man phoned Orion and started a conversation,

“Orion! This is Edwin. You've handled that event well. I thought it'll end up like another predictable boss battle, but you pulled off a troll that made our players thinking different tactics on that poor bear!”

Orion giggled at his fellow supporter, “That's what I want to happen actually, Edwin Lee!”

“You never fail to amuse me with your antics, Orion” Edwin Lee smirked.

Edwin sipped his glass of martini and continued speaking,

“Say, I heard that our Japanese comrade started helping you, albeit sounding like he's on for a hostile takeover eh?”

“Yes, Edwin. Hirohito's begging for his pieces of action in this game. Honestly, seems that he's trying to communicate a favor but his childish emperor persona got in first” Orion laughed loudly.

Edwin gulped his remaining martini and cracked up,

“Okay, how will he really help? Have special monsters that looked like the infamous 'Moe Colossus' that eat rule-breaking bastards like chocolate bars?”

Orion coughed a second and he answered,

“He appointed a set of 'Reapers'. They're some sort of undercover game moderators that will get along with players, be it innocent ones or not. One of my men pulled off that twist before though”

“B-but will that cause corruption, paranoia, and eventually community dissonance sir?”

“That's what I fear, Edwin” Orion sighed, then he affixed, “In my implementation, my men will clearly have rainbow aura all over them when they're at their game master mode. What the Kanzaki guy wanted to do is to strike without warning!”

“Now... that's really good but so bad. Let's all just see his wonders for now, Orion. Okay?” Edwin ended their conversation.

Offline:\Makati, Philippines\Sinagtala Relocation Zone\Sinagtala Tenements>

Third Sunday of June, at the break of dawn. Ren woke up with an ear-reaching smile on his face. He hurriedly dressed up for work. Just before he left his room, he imagined seeing his in-game alter ego waving at him.

“I'll be right back, partner!” Ren thought to himself as he glanced at his avatar's imaginary rendition.

He went to the kitchen and cooked a lightly-salted sunny side-up egg for his mother. He served the cooked egg to their table and headed out for work.

Offline:\Makati, Philippines\Sinagtala Relocation Zone\Manang Abe's Bakery>

Ren, Butchoy and Kokoy met at the bakery's garage, then Manang Abe showed up to the three kids.

“I've talked to Mang Mario yesterday and he's letting Kokoy sell some of our bread inside his Internet Cafe every weekend”

The stubby bakery owner gently stroked Kokoy's hair and she added,

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