Level 16: Crawling Chaos

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The issue about the dead Binondo gamer eventually died out, as different media started educating the masses about deep vein thrombosis. The schools all over the country even encouraged the students to go to the canteen to take their snacks and socialize with other people.

For a newbie yet globally-backed NOAH to conquer such issues, video game-related deaths were easy to deal with. However, they have another set of troubles to face...

Offline:\Parañaque City\Westmont Village Condominiums\Suite 3-B Acacia>

A tanned Filipino girl, with black curly bob cut hair, began modeling a peculiar weapon design onto her desktop computer. While modeling, she has a media player program playing her favorite Filipino dubstep mixes.

The weapon she started modeling had a form of a Civil War carbine, only with inhumane features. The stock of the carbine is covered with pulsating red veins connected from the butt stock and the gun's barrel had a horned skull, acting as a sight for aiming.

The girl sipped her ice cold latte while she started texturing her latest creation. She said to herself,

"I'm jobless, and all I have are these computers I selflessly invested on. Many of the game companies can't accept my work. I hope this company I'm meddling notice me at least..."

Outside her suite, a young man knocked on her door and called out her name,

"Karen, this is me, Dante"

Karen, the curly-haired game artist, welcomed her boyfriend Dante inside her suite. She went to the kitchen and made him instant coffee and coco jam sandwich in a flash. Dante, on the other hand, looked at her finished artwork pinned on her walls. One of her artworks caught his interests, and it was an H.R. Giger-inspired representation of America looming over the hapless bloody anthropomorphism of Middle-Eastern countries.

"Karen, your art is good" Dante said to Karen in a delighted loud voice.

As she served their breakfast, Dante added,

"But the game industry of today revolved too much on Michael Bay explosions, realistic worlds but unrealistic first-person shooter or slasher gameplay, or even badly-written stories"

"I agree on that, Dante" Karen said as she stirred their mugs of coffee.

"I'm sure some companies in Japan or Korea might like your works though" Dante cajoled at her.

"Them? Probably their little friends will, but to the likes of Comcap, NC-exon, YiNK, and Squenix-Arts? I'll not bother them. I'd rather pitch these arts to Namdailus to expand their aesthetic range though"

"Still choosy, I say?"

"Yeah, but for now... I have to inject these bad critters to NOAH, as a test of skill for injecting new content into their MMORPG" Karen giggled.

The two sat on their tables and Dante was piqued at her latest gaming gig.

"You're hacking the game now by illegally inserting your works on their MMOs?"

"I have made my own devkit to inject new content to their game, Dante"

"H-how? Do you have any connections to the developer or even to the publisher?" Dante is interested about her gig.

"I do" Karen smiled at Dante and enjoyed their breakfast.

Offline:\Sinagtala Relocation Zone\Sinagtala Highschool>

Recess time, Roy was able to finish his new NOAH fanart and Ren looked at his drawing. He said to Roy,

"Roy, you should really submit that to the NOAH forums. I'm sure many will like it! Who knows, he might end up being a boss there!"

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