Level 09: Countdown for 1st World Boss

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Online:\Undisclosed Location>

The undisclosed location turned out to be Eden’s residence, a shining cyan xeno-steel floating pyramid. Inside Eden’s floating pyramid, there are many floating holographic screens in different sizes wandering all over the place, and there are 500 masked white-haired men protecting a frozen gigantic tree-like bipedal creature named Les-Skaly, the World-sealed Forest Sentinel. The godly avatar approached the creature’s frozen head, and stroke its nose slowly.

“Hello there my first pet. hope you are ready for tomorrow’s epic raid” Eden whispered to the frozen creature.

Behind Eden, the Grandmaster appeared and talked to him,

“What’s this creature, Eden?”

“He’s Les-Skaly, the creature that reside in the Forest of Rocks, sealed from the pocket dimension” Eden wittily answered.

“Oh, who made that creature if ever?” the Grandmaster inquired again.

“I’m glad that you asked, it’s drawn by our Russian fan, and later, our dev team here collaborated with him” Eden answered again.

“W-wait a minute, our game’s nearly a week old, and now we have our first user-contributed idea executed? How the heck did you allow this?” the Grandmaster questioned Eden again.

“Remember master, you, and your human friends helped me, and the universe to become an enjoyable reality” Eden chuckled at his creator.

The Grandmaster sighed and logged off. Eden suddenly lied down on his sofa and thought about his decision,

“Yeah, I am an AI. An AI built by the guys of the tech world, I’m sort of a malevolent SimSimi and Cleverbot kit-bashed talking app, with a face of some Vocaloid like Gakupo, possessing the hands of God by creating dynamic terrain, and making the residents talk like them. Not that I want to steal the humans’ jobs in handling NOAH, but I want to help them in every way as possible”

The next day...

Offline:\Estoril Park\Kanlaon Family Mansion>

Orion called the rest of the team to the boardroom. Gregorio, Lisanna, Charlie Yan, the rest of the development and management team to the boardroom for a meeting. Orion asked the whole boardroom,

“Who designed Les-Skaly, and the leader of its execution?”

Many of the NOAH employees and relatives were stunned and speechless, and Orion thought to himself,

“It can’t be my children either, as Henry enjoyed being an ordinary player, and he really felt like he won’t be a game mod for a while. Edgar and Iris have other affairs too, that they can’t afford to spend time in NOAH as mere players, or even a GM doing short rounds”

Finally, someone raised his hand and it turned out to be Charlie Yan. The bald Filipino-Chinese confessed,

“It came from Vikentij Morozov, one of our Russian players in Moscow. I found his post in our official global forums, that he proposed an epic-scale boss for the game. His suggestion thread received lots of up-votes, and many of the commenters wanted to relive epic world boss battles delivered well by WoW and Flyff”

Orion placed his palm to his forehead, repeatedly rubbing it for a moment in disappointment, and he chided at Charlie,

“Charlie, you guys did Les-Skaly without consulting me at least?”

“You are busy thinking too much about our game security, and fighting down hackers like a boss” Charlie Yan replied.

Gregorio suggested,

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