Level 17: Attack on Mandurugo (FULL EPISODE)

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Level 17:Attack on Mandurugo

Offline:\Estoril Park\Kanlaon Family Mansion\NOAH Core>

Eden installed himself as a 'shimeji' application, or by generic terms: a cute, computerized assistant application, in Orion's office computer. Orion came back and saw a super-deformed version of Eden waving a cartoon drawing of the [Mandurugo Fist].

"Oi, master! I got the clues!"

"Really? That was quick!" Orion smiled at his digital entity.

The super-deformed Eden took something out of his pocket and a window appeared on top of his desktop.

Assets in question:



> Mandurugo_clothes_m.npak

> Mandurugo_clothes_f.npak

> Mandurugo_melee.npak

> Mandurugo_ranged.npak

> Mandurugo_magic.npak

> Mandurugo_vehicles.npak

> Mandurugo_vari-clothes_m.npak

> Mandurugo_vari-clothes_f.npak

Upload date: June 18, 2012

Source IP:

"The one who inserted those assets must be living somewhere in the Philippines then!" Orion said to Eden, with his eyebrows raised in desperation.

"Can you prove it that it came from a Philippine address, Eager McBeaver?" Eden trolled and danced the famed Gangnam Style in front of him in few seconds.

"Yeah. It fell within to range, which is one of the IP address range allocated for our country" Orion said in a firm manner, waving his imaginary professional flag on his own creation.

"Great job, master! Your memories are not that corrupted eh, anyways..." Eden clapped his hands on Orion.

The cute super-deformed AI entity pranced around his screen.

"Usually, our offenders rely on dynamic IP addresses or even worse, using backdoors and IP spoofing software, yet you managed to find the assets' origin?" Orion said to Eden.

Then Eden stopped prancing and sat like an Indian.

"Why did you bother creating me anyway, you're still doubting my awesomeness, Orion!"

"Just checking on you if you're doing things right, boy!"

"Shucks man, c'mon, don't act like an American Helicopter Parent on me!"

However, they missed the next 2 files affixed in the package,

> 4U5HM4R14N0_4_LyF.ndata

> Aea2019ff1.ndata

Orion asked Eden,

"Hmmm... Can we check these two files?"

"Sure, but for some reason, I find it fun yet dangerous to see the players' reactions once these dubious contents were used in the game"

Orion glared cold at Eden,

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