When we first arrived, I took the guest room. Aside from a few personal possessions of mine, the room was decorated by one of the best interior decorators in the country, Addison Montgomery. She was asked personally by President McGallen and Margaret to decorate the new mansion. The best part about having the guest suite is that I get my own private bathroom (even though there are about seven in total around the house) and a full view of the Los Angeles cityscape. One side of my room is completely glass, overlooking the city of Los Angeles and the Hollywood sign. I sighed, walking over to my window wall and drinking in the beautiful Los Angeles night lights. Suddenly, I heard a rustling behind me. Whipping around, I saw Joshua lying in my bed, a mischievous little smirk on his gorgeous face. I smiled back, closing the white curtains to the beautiful view.

"I thought you'd never come to bed." Joshua said, opening his arms for me.

I walked over to my bed, lying down next to him and allowing him to envelope me in his strong arms. I nuzzled his neck affectionately, kissing the little hollow under his jaw. His hand somehow found it's way under my shirt and was stroking my lower back lightly. I sighed, content. His touch sent excited chills through me. I love this boy.

"Ariana wanted to watch a movie. I didn't want to go to bed." I answered nonchalantly.

Joshua grunted in response, kissing the top of my head. We laid there in silence for a long time, holding onto each other. Under my ear, I heard Joshua's steady heartbeat. His chest rose and fell with every breath he took. I inhaled his familiar scent. Cologne and something completely Joshua.

"What'd you girls watch?" he asked.

I froze, frantically searching my mental library of movies for something. Oh, what the hell.

"Magic Mike." I answered.

His chest shuddered when he laughed, rolling on top of me. I gave him a mock glare as he pinned me onto my bed.

"I'm not going to hear the end of this, am I?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Joshua nodded. Shit.

"Not for a long time, sweetheart." Joshua said, pressing his smirk against mine.

I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and hooking my ankles at his waist. He groaned, kissing me harder as my right hand ran down his chest to rest at the knot of his cotton pajama pants. I started to tug, but he made a sound against my mouth and brought my hand back up to his neck. He pulled away, gazing down into my eyes.

"Now, now, don't be hasty. We have all night." he whispered in a seductive voice, leaning down to kiss me again.

I chuckled, grasping the back of his head as he kissed me intensely. His tongue slipped into my mouth, tasting me. I made a sound at the back of my throat. Suddenly, the door opened. Joshua rolled off of me, staring at the door. My face heated in an embarrassed blush. President McGallen stood in the doorway, raising an eyebrow. He cleared his throat, looking around before meeting Joshua's gaze. Well this is awkward.

"Joshua, what'd I tell you?" he said in a firm tone.

Joshua sighed, tightening the arm he kept wrapped around me.

"I remember, I remember. We weren't doing that." he waved his hand aimlessly.

I kept watching my feet, embarrassed beyond belief. The President of the United States just walked in on his son and I making out. Great. Just freaking great.

"Really? Because that's where it looked like it was going." President McGallen placed his hands on his hips, tapping his foot on the plush carpet like an annoyed parent with a whiny child.

Joshua paled and looked down at his feet, mimicking me. I opened my mouth to speak, bringing my eyes to President McGallen, but he held up a hand to silence me. I shut my mouth obediently. He sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Ember, Joshua, I'm aware that you two have already had sex in the past. But, please, if you're going to do it at least use protection. You two are far too responsible to forget something as important as that. I'm sure we don't need to get into what the consequences would be otherwise."

I nodded, biting my lower lip. Possible disease. Pregnancy. And, in addition to getting pregnant, I'd lose my job with the CIA. Getting pregnant at eighteen would land me on the unemployment line for sure. President McGallen cleared his throat.

"Good night, Ember. Come along, Joshua, there's something else I need to talk to you about regarding your mother."

Joshua went rigid. His face paled so white it matched my sheet. I took one of his hands in mine. He still didn't move or even blink. He looked at his father with a blank expression. I gave his hand a hard squeeze. That brought him back. He shook his head like an Etch-A-Sketch board, as if to clear it out.

"What is it, Dad? I want Ember here." he said, answering President McGallen's unspoken question.

President McGallen bit his lip, debating no doubt the best way to answer. Finally, he spoke.

"Your mother Rebecca was found dead. In Nevada. She had a bullet to the head."

Angels, Pop Stars, and...More Spies? Oh My!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz