Chapter 8

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JJ and Spencer walked out of the building with sorrowful faces. "Spence," JJ started. "Why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow?"

Spencer smiled widely as he nodded. "I'd love too!"

"We can have lemon chicken, your favourite." Spencer stopped walking and his smile faded. "What's wrong?" JJ asked honestly nervous she had messed something up.

"You suck at cooking." Spencer wined before breaking out into a smile. JJ gasped before also smiling and whacking Spencer on the arm.

"I'm not that bad!" JJ replied. They walked together to her car and stopped at the drivers door. JJ unlocked the car and swung it open. "Need a ride?" She asked.

Spencer shook his head. "No thank you, it's a nice day I'll take the train."

JJ nodded. "Suit yourself, so tomorrow? Say sixish?"

"Yeah! Yeah I'll be there."

JJ rushed inside of her childhood home with a large white envelope between her fingers. She slammed the door behind her before rushing into her room, ripping it open she read the content mouthing the words. "Yes!" JJ shouted.

"What on earth is going on in here?" Sandy Jareau asked walking into her daughters room carrying her grandson. "And Henry needs to eat."

JJ took her son in her hands before pulling down her shirt and letting him nurse. "My Night School application got accepted, they'll let me take half day classes and half night so I can watch the kids while you're at work."

Sandy patted her daughters shoulder before sitting next to her on the bed, "JJ dear, I don't think that is such a good idea."

"Why not? I want to finish high school mom."

Sandy looked over at her grandson. "They need you at home Jennifer, I can't raise them for you."

"And I'm not asking you!" JJ snapped angrily. "I want what best for my kids and going to school is the perfect way of doing that! I'm not going to live with you forever."

Sandy looked taken aback. "You're barely sixteen and you barely know what it's like to raise children let alone two! Things wouldn't be so easy if I wasn't around."

"Things would be easier if Dad and Spence were..."

JJ was pulled from her day dream when a honking truck told her the light was green. She drove for a while thinking about that night, the kids were only a month old and her life seemed to be a big mess. She often wondered what it would be like if Spencer had stayed, would they have a house in Mount Coals? More kids? She imagined he would be the town doctor and she would teach school, have a cat and a dog, a house full of kids behind a white picket fence... Because that's what you did in their hometown... As much as she wanted to be different JJ likes being the same.

It's short and I'm sorry!!!

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