Chapter 5

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A young JJ descended down the stairs to the den where her parents sat reading the morning paper. The fifteen year old swallowed only to find that her mouth was as dry as a bone. She walked further into the room and sat herself on the coffee table in front of the couch. The blonde let out a little cough to catch her parents attention, her dad looked up and folded over his paper to give his daughter his full attention. "Sandy dear," he spoke softly to his wife. "I think Jennifer would like to speak with us."

Sandy folded down her paper and starred blankly at her daughter. "What do you need dear?" She asked almost angrily.

JJ took a deep breath to try to find the right words to say, not that the words were hard it was just finding the right way to say them. Obviously she wasn't happy, but she wasn't sad either, or even angry, she was just... Neutral. "I need to tell you both something..." Her father looked sincere while her mother looked annoyed at her pause. "I-" deep breath "Mom, dad, I'm pregnant."

The Jareau house was quiet for what felt like forever. JJ refused to speak until her parents said something or even did something. Her father looked like a statue with no emotion while her mother's face was turning red and the older woman looked like her head was going to fly off. "I have to call Christine!" Sandy suddenly blurted out as she stood from the couch.

As her mother left JJ let a sob escape her lips. Sandy coped with things by gossiping about them with her girlfriends. It was her stress relief, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt JJ when she felt so ignored. Henry Jareau pulled his daughter up from the table and into the crook of his arm while he sat on the couch. He stroked his daughters hair before kissing the top of her head. "You are going to make a great mother Jennifer, I know it." He soothed softy. "Is it Spencer's?" He asked, JJ replied with a nod of her head and another loud sob.

"Mommy!" Henry cried as he ran into his mother's room. "Alice hit me!"

JJ groaned as she fought against the sleeping bag she had been sleeping in. "I did not!" Alice yelled from the other room. "He ran into my hand!" The mother of two just ignored her daughter while she checked her son over, she found him in perfect health and bruise free.

"Alright the truck will be here soon, so you two better be dressed or you will be sleeping on the balcony tonight." JJ joked but watching her kids eyes widen before they ran into their room . Her slight torment towards them was her enjoyment in a motherly way.

As JJ and the kids headed down the stairs to unload the truck Will popped his head out the door and rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Hold on, I'll be down in a second." He mumbled before going into his room.

The truck was waiting for them when the Jareau family made it out of the apartment building. JJ walked over and lifted the gate revealing a fair amount of boxes, JJ climbed into the truck and started shifting boxes around to find light ones for her children to carry. "JJ!" Turning her head Jennifer saw Spencer walking down the street dressed in a button up shirt and corduroys.

JJ couldn't help but laugh. "Hey Spence!" She smiled. "Alice, Henry I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is Spencer, Spencer this Alice and Henry." The two blondes waved awkwardly before turning back to their mother. Spencer looked up at JJ with a sad expression. "Don't worry about it, they live in their own world." She explained as she lifted a box and passed it to Spencer.

"Hey blondie!" JJ and Spencer froze slowly they turned to see Garcia, Morgan, Prentiss, Hotch and his son walk up towards the truck. "Of course Reid beat us here."

Emily smiled and was about to say something when two little blonde heads popped into her sight. She let out a small gasp before turning to Reid who was blushing a soft pink. "OH MY GOD!" Garcia shrieked as she walked closer to the moving van. "No one told me you had babies! Extremely cute babies!" She turned next to the kids. "What are you're names? who's older? When is your birthday?"

Henry was quick to hide behind his sister. "I'm Alice, and this is my brother Henry." The older twin stated. "I'm older by three minutes, we are twins. And our birthday is August 10th."

Penelope squealed in delight. "You had twins! That is amazing! I can buy cute matching outfits!"

The rest of the team laughed as utter fear crossed over JJ's face. "Uh... Thank you for the offer..." JJ mumbled. "But my kids have more than enough-"

"Pish posh! Aunties are supposed to spoil their nieces and nephews! We're supposed to feed them too much candy and pretend it never happened." JJ was slightly taken aback by the comment.

Morgan walked up closer to the van. "We're a family here JJ through and through. And some of us come on stronger than others." The older man said his eye averting to Garcia. "But we have each other's back and each other trust one hundred percent."

The blonde smiled, it was strange to her. That four people she had never met before could be so trusting and comforting. It had been a long time since she felt apart of a family outside of her little trio, sure she had Jordan and Elle but it wasn't the same. Jordan lived thousands of miles away and had a family of her own while Elle was close she was lit living her life the way she wanted. Her own family hadn't truly felt like family since her sister killed herself and the final nail in the coffin was when her father passed away leaving her alone with her mother who seemed to want nothing but isolate her and her children. "Uh right well..." Her cheeks flushed slightly. "Alice and Henry will show you the apartment"  JJ handed the twins two small light boxes with stuffed animals inside. She was about the hand Morgan a bigger box when Alice let out a squeal of excitement.

"Will!" The four year old cried with a smile on her face. "Help us carry the boxes!"

The New Orleans man laughed. "That's why I'm here Ali, I didn't realize it would be a party though." His eyes wondered over the strangers on the street.

JJ smiled up at Will before looking over at Spencer and seeing the hurt expression cross his face. His eyes spoke loud and clear 'JJ had lied' but she hadn't, there was nothing going in between her and her neighbour. "Will this is the team, guys this is Will my neighbour." JJ introduced.

After quick introductions everyone started to unload the truck. Emily suggested that she and Reid stay down stairs to unload the truth while everyone else ran the stairs. JJ was a little hesitant at first as she wanted to explain things to Spencer but after thinking it over, Jennifer felt that maybe he needed a little space first.  

Everyone was handed a box and they started to walk up the stairs. Spencer was lifting boxes out of the truck when Emily cleared her throat. "So they're around four... Right?"

Spencer stopped what he was doing and sighed. "Yeah, they look remarkably like JJ huh?" He joked.

"Henry looks like you." The brown haired girl replied bluntly. "And you're twenty right? And left your home town when you were twenty? Left your girlfriend behind-?"

"I get it okay!" Spencer snapped. "Yes they are my kids! But I had no idea when I left!" His arms were waving around in the air angrily. "JJ's mother never liked me and she wanted me out of her daughters live so she never sent the letter telling me about the kids! I just found out two days ago Emily..."

Prentiss' eyes softened in empathy. "Do the kids know you're their father?" He shook his head. "Are you going to tell them?"

"JJ wasn't sure at first, she wanted to wait because they've never had a male remodel in their life... But obviously that was a lie." She spat refusing to Will.

Emily nodded. "So that Will guy is JJ's boyfriend?"

"I have no idea..."

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