Chapter 4

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JJ and Spencer sat on a park bench drinking their coffee. "Can I meet them?" Spencer asked after a period of silence between the two. Spencer had called Hotch to tell him that they would be taking an extended lunch.

JJ looked down into her cup. "Spence... I-I don't know." She confessed. "They've never had a male influence before, I didn't talk about you because- well because I didn't know if they were ever going to meet you. They haven't reached the age where they questions things about their lives. All they have ever known was me, my mother, and Elle and Jordan."

Spencer heaved a heavy sigh of course they knew Elle and Jordan they were JJ's best friends from high school, they were all on the soccer team. It worries him a little bit... Was JJ never going to let him meet his children? "Do you have any pictures of them?" He asked.

JJ smiled as she fished through her purse and pulled out two photos. One was of two new born babies wrapped in blue and pink blankets. Spencer's eyes lit up as he laid his eyes of his children for the very first time and although he didn't know them he loved them with all his heart. He handed the picture back to JJ before taking the second one. The twins were much bigger now, Alice was in a pink dress covered in dirt while Henry was in a blue shirt and was pushing his sister away from him. "Doesn't matter how much they look alike they are two opposites of a very long pole." JJ commented. "Alice was born first, six pounds three ounces, and Henry was four pounds eight ounces. He scared me half to death in the delivery room."

"I want to be in their lives JJ." Spencer spewed. "I will love them forever and I won't become a flake like my father! Please Jennifer I need this."

JJ looked deep into his eyes. Her heart started to beat fast as she remembered the love she had once felt for him. "Fine." She sighed. "You can meet them this weekend, the moving truck is coming then so you can help us unpack. But do not! And I mean it! Tell them that you are their father. I want to ease them in slowly got it?"

Spencer nodded his head. "I promise Jennifer."

They arrived back at the office a short while later and headed their separate ways. "Lunch with JJ huh?" Morgan laughed as he walked past Reid's desk Emily trailing right behind.

"You know she looks familiar" Prentiss said as she sat in her chair. "I just can't place her."

Spencer just twisted in his chair and went back to the new files that were in his desk he was hoping Emily wouldn't make the connection and force it out of him.
Hours past and finally the end of the day rolled around and the team could not wait to leave. Just as Reid finished packing up JJ walked out of her office and towards him. "Her is my address." She stated as she gave him a piece of paper. "And my personal number is on it as well."

"Well aren't you two moving a little fast?, Morgan quipped with a smirk.

Spencer's face grew beat red while JJ just rolled her eyes and shook her head. "He's going to help me unload the moving truck this weekend."

The two other team members nodded their heads. "Well I'm gonna go say by to Momma, I'll meet you guys outside."

As Derek walked away JJ headed back to her office leaving Emily and Reid in the bullpen. "You know," Emily started. "I think I remember where I know JJ from." Spencer gulped. "She's the girl from the picture in your apartment."

"Please don't say anything to JJ or Morgan. Or anyone for that matter..." Reid pleaded. "We are trying to sort things out... And I really don't think the team needs to meddle in this. I have five years to make up for, I can't do it with everyone watching."

Emily nodded with a smile. "I've got you covered. I'll keep Morgan away."

And right in time Derek returned. "Well Garcia and I both agreed, we'll meet there on Saturday to help JJ unpack with you. Hotch even agreed to come for a few hours as a way to bond the team. You up for it princess?"

JJ returned home that night to hear laughter coming from her apartment, she smiled as she walked towards the door before tripping on the uneven floor. "Must of been what Alice tripped on." She thought to herself before taking her keys from her purse and unlocking the door. Her children and will were spread out in a circle on their stomachs, the smell of Chinese food filled her nose as JJ moved the rest of the way into the apartment.

"Then the grumpy bird flew over to the fruit bowl and started to peck on a.... Pineapple!" JJ watched as all three of them stood up from the floor and ran around the apartment in a circle before coming back to their spots and laying in their stomachs once again. "Well it looks like your momma is home."

The twins jumped up and over to their mom who was smiling brightly as she stood against the wall. "We were playing pineapple!" Alice shouted as she bounced around. "Can will watch us everyday? Please!"

JJ looked over to her son who had a big grin and was nodding his head in agreement. JJ turned to look over a Will. "I don't mind Darlin', long as you're comfortable with it."

"As long as you let me start paying you, we've got a deal." JJ smiled. "And you can't buy us dinner anymore either. Everything including the fridge is coming this weekend so I can cook when I get home."

Will nodded his head. "Well I was gonna cook for 'em but I realized I had no food either. Why don't you and I go shopping this Sunday?" He offered. "Of course the kids are welcome too."

The blonde shook her head. "I have fire arms training, but I'm free in the evening. Can you last that long?"

"If I'm waiting for you, I could wait forever." JJ felt her face heat up before she walked to the counters to take the Chinese takeout out of the brown bags. She opened the paper plates and dived small portions of rice, chicken balls, noodles, and steamed vegetables onto two plates for her children. Then she took out the rest of the food and liked it onto her plate. "A women who can out eat me, and handle her heat." Will smirked when he pointed to the pile of orange beef. "I think I'm in love."

"Slow down Romeo." JJ giggled. "We just met."

"I know, but when I see something I want I have to have it. And it would be mighty stupid of me to let a women like you slip from my finger tips. Beautiful, blonde, FBI agent, who is in her way with raising to extraordinary and just as beautiful kids."

JJ felt the butterflies in her stomach. "Well we can talk about that date then. But can it wait until after all my furniture arrives? You know, incase I invite you inside?" She winked before turning to joking her kids.

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