Chapter 7

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Spencer and Elle walked quietly down the street only a few apartment buildings away from where JJ lived. They stopped at the front doors of her building and Elle grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving. "It was nice seeing you again Spencer." She smiled as she ran her fingers over his knuckles.

"Uh yeah!" Spencer squeaked. "I-it was nice seeing you too..." He tried to quickly pry his hand away but Elle didn't seem to want to let go.

"I have half a bottle of wine upstairs," she purred. "You're welcome to join me if you'd like?" She offered. Spencer swallowed he was having a conflict of emotions... He wasn't into Elle that way but it was definitely nice that she was into him. "I know it's weird." Elle cut through his thoughts. "But I liked you for a long time..." She confessed. "But you know how it is... JJ always gets what she wants..."

Spencer was taken aback how could she say something like that about her best friend? "Elle you know that's not true..."

The brunette rolled her eyes. "Yeah... I guess..." Spencer didn't even notice that she was leading him into the elevator. "I guess it was just that... I hate it... Perfect JJ... Even when she gets knocked up the world can only coo over her. She didn't even tell you she had your children and yet you're still madly in love with her!"

This stopped Spencer dead in his tracks. He noticed they weren't in the lobby but rather a hallway. "I-I-I'm not in love with her..." He choked out. "I want to know my children Elle... I missed years of their lives!"

"And you're going to miss more when she starts slipping between the sheets with that Cajun neighbour of hers! They are never going to know you are there father!"

They both just stopped and starred at each other like they had hit a brick wall. After a few minutes Spencer shook himself out of his trance,"How about that drink now?" He asked.

About two hours later Reid found himself walking through the glass doors of the BAU. He groaned as he walked to the conference room and found everyone there except JJ. "What's going on?" He asked.

"We have a case in New York, we are just waiting for JJ then we can begin." Hotch informed him. "She is still on the phone with the police detective... And something about the babysitter being a drunk..." Spencer averted his eyes down to the file in front of him. He and Elle maybe had one too many glasses of wine...

JJ walked into the room and slammed a mug of coffee down and not the table in front of not of Spencer. "Just what the doctor ordered." She snapped.

"JJ-" Morgan started.

"What? He decided to go drinking with my babysitter so now I have Will checking no on them every few hours incase they need her and she's passed out!"  The room got quiet.

"Look JJ I didn't-"

"You know she's a lightweight spence!" JJ screeched. "I can't believe you would be so irresponsible!"

"Alright that's enough!" The unit chief called. "We are behind schedule anyways so we will be briefed on the plane. Now let's go."  The team stood up and headed out the door Spencer and JJ the last to get up were stopped. "Hold it!" Hotch called and the two youngest agents walked back in. "I don't know what is going on between the two of you but it stops now understood?" They both hung their heads and nodded. "After this case I think we all need to talk."

The New York case was only a few days long, the killer was on a spree and trapped himself in a corner when he murdered a shop owner in front of many eye witnesses. The plane ride was quiet they had worked for three days without much sleep and decided to use the quick ride to catch up. JJ sat at the back of the plane missing her kids before she drifted off.

JJ slumped into a chair at her favourite dinner, her friends Jordan and Elle were in the other seats right in front of her. "Alright sweetie," Jordan started. "What's going on and why did we need to bus into the city for you to tell us?"

JJ rummaged into her purse for a minute and grasped something in her hand. "You have to promise me you won't freak out... Please?"

The girls nodded and waited for JJ to answer. The blonde pulled the pregnancy test out of her purse and laid it on the table. "Oh my god!" Elle gasped.

The blue and white stick had two pink lines on the little screen. "How far along are you?" Jordan asked.

JJ played with the straps of her purse. "About a month or so... I tried telling him but he was leaving and I just... I couldn't do it..."

"We'll be here for you JJ. We promise."

JJ was woken by the skid of the plane groggily she unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her go bag before leaving the plane. As she entered the building Hotch called her straight into his office. Spencer was already waiting in one of the chairs seated in front of the big desk. "So who wants to start?" Asked Hotch.

They both became very still and very silent. "Fine then I will." The Unit Chief  gave them both a glaring look. "What is the nature of your relationship?"

This time Spencer spoke up. "Distant friends sir..."

"We're you ever anything more?"

JJ swallowed before answering. "We dated for a few years... Back in high school..."

Hotch nodded his head. "I see. And Henry and Alice? Reid's children I presume?"
The two young agents stopped dead in their tracks. "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Henry is the spitting image of you Spencer but I am very disappointed that neither of you felt the need to disclose this to me."

JJ hung her head. "This is my fault... Spencer had no idea he had kids until a few days ago."

"Well the office is not you therapy office so I suggest what ever problems you two have you fix in your own time. Another blow up like this and I will suspend you both."

They understand and apologized to their team leader before finally heading home for the night.

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