Chapter 3

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"This is Jennifer Jareau." Hotch introduced to the team. Spencer sunk deeper into his seat ignoring everything that was happening around him. This could not be real he had to be living in a dream! Yeah! That's it! It's a dream! He had a dream about JJ not ten minutes ago and suddenly she appears right in front of him... He was sleeping and dreaming of her once again so now he needed to wake up. He shut his eyes tight then opened them but she was still there, so he tried again, and again but no luck. Next he tried pinching himself but he was still sitting in a chair looking up and the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. Yeah that's right! She was the most beautiful girl in the world to him, he was never happy with anyone else besides her. If it had been up to him he could have gone back to get her, they would have a family, and a house. If it wasn't for that letter her mother sent him telling him to stay away from JJ then he would have been back to get her and he wouldn't be scared of of his mind right now. "And finally this is SSA Dr. Spencer Reid." Hotch introduced .

JJ tensed up slightly before extending her arm to shake Spencer's quickly before retracting her hand. "I look forward to working with all of you." Spencer couldn't help but feel slightly offended. JJ had acted like she had no idea who he was. The team chatted for a while before Hotch ordered them all back to work. Everyone watched as JJ walked to the office at the end of the catwalk.

"Looks like the kid has a thing for blondie." Morgan laughed as he sunk down into his chair. "He hasn't taken his eyes off of her."

Emily nodded in agreement. "Maybe we should go for drinks? Get to know her better I'm sure Garcia will be all over that."

Spencer just didn't respond instead he opened a consult file and started to work. He finished his first stack at around noon so he decided to take an early lunch. As he headed to the elevator he found JJ standing there on her phone. "Thanks again Will for doing this." She said. "I really appreciate it, I'll sort everything out tonight we won't bother you again.... Are you sure? Then I'll pay you. No really I can't let you do that for free. Right okay we'll talk later, bye."

Spencer felt his face heat up, who was this Will guy? As he walked closer to the blonde he felt more and more nervous, he had no idea what he was supposed to say to her or if she even recognized him. Of course she did! Five years and his face still looked the same as it did when he was fifteen. Before he even realized what he was doing Spencer opened his mouth. "J-Jennifer, hi."

JJ turned around slowly he couldn't read the expression on her face. "Spencer... Hi." They stood in silence unsure of what to say until the elevator chimed and opened the doors. "So, I'm heading out to lunch... Would you like to come with me?" She asked skeptically

"Uh sure, where do you want to go?" He asked he asked suddenly fascinated with his black converses.

"There is a deli down the street from here, I saw it on my way here." She suggested. "I'll pay."

Spencer shook his head. "No I will."

The two walked to the deli and sound a seat by the window, the sun was bright and shined through the glass. Spencer stood from his seat and ordered the food before JJ even got a chance to speak. He returned with two baskets and two drinks. "Corn beef on rye and Diet Coke, how did you- never mind." JJ cut herself of with a light chuckle. "You always remember."

Spencer blushed as he picked up a French fry out of the basket. "I should have asked you, I'm sorry..."

"No, it's okay, it is what I would have picked anyways." JJ smiled slightly for a brief moment she was back to being fifteen and in love. "So how have you been?"

"Uh good I guess. I mean yeah I've been good what about you?"

JJ nodded as she swallowed her bite. "I'm okay, I finally moved out of my mother and here I am Agent Jennifer Jareau." She laughed. "It's strange how far I've come."

"Yeah and only at twenty, how did you manage that? Agent Gideon brought me into the force and through all of the training." Reid confessed.

JJ took a long sip of her drink. "I took communications online as well as night school so I got my degree early... I may have broken many rules along the way... And I met a retired agent Rossi who set me up with an interview with Hotchner. Because I'm only a liaison I did the bare minimum to pass as an agent, I do fire arms and physical training on the weekends and eventually I will reach supervisory special agent standard."

Spencer cleared his throat. "Uh so the team uh wanted to know if you were interested in um going to get drink tonight? Morgan's treat."

He watched as JJ hung her head slightly. "Uh Spence-er I uh I have to go home after work... I'm sorry maybe this weekend or uh tomorrow? Just for an hour."

"Is there someone waiting for you at home Jennifer?" He spat shocking the blonde.


"No forget it." He stood from his chair. "I'll see you back at the office." The brunette rushed out of the deli and down the street.

JJ chased after him not stopping until she caught up with him. "It's not like that Spencer! I would go if I could-"

"Why can't you?" He asked turning around almost knocking her over. "Why can't you come?"

JJ threw her hands up. "Why are you getting angry!?" She shouted. "It's drinks with the team! And incase you forgot we aren't even twenty-one! So what is your real problem? Do you think I have a boyfriend at home?" Spencer stopped and he looked down at his shoes. "Well I don't." She told him. "And even if I did why would you care, you stopped answering my letters and you never called, you never emailed, you stopped caring!"

Spencer felt himself get angry again, how dare she say he didn't care. "I did care! I do care! You were the one who told your mother to write me a note and tell me to back off! That you didn't want me in your life anymore!"

"I told my mother to mail you a letter when the babies were born! I wanted you to be there! To see me and to see them!" She shouted.

Spencer fell quiet and tears peaked into his eyes. "B-babies?"

JJ's hands flew to her face. "Y-you didn't now?" She whispered, Spencer shook his head. "And my mother told me to stay away from me?" Spencer nodded. "Oh my god!" JJ cried. "I-I can't believe her! She has done some stupid and arrogant things but this is by far the worst!"

Spencer finally found the words to speak. "B-babies? M-more than one?"

"Yeah, yeah Spence. Twins we had twins, one boy and one girl, Alice and Henry." She took a step forward and rubbed his arm. "We have babies Spence, beautiful babies."

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