Chapter 1

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*five years earlier*

Spencer sat at the small round table in silence as he traced his finger around the rim on his water glass. The restaurant was uncomfortably loud and it made the young man squirm noises made him uncomfortable, people made him uncomfortable... Well people besides Jennifer Jareau. Jennifer also known as JJ was the best thing to every happen to him she was the only girl to ever talk to him in high school, they were the same age but Spencer was two grades ahead. And that was the problem with tonight... Spencer had just gotten out of a meeting with his guidance counsellor and just as he had expected Spencer had more than enough credits to graduate thirty-four the be exact... The exceeding limit of high school credits. So when the counsellor called him down after the last exam he was shocked to hear that multiple schools were requesting him to attend. And that is what prompted tonight's "End of the Semester" romantic dinner.

"I'm sorry I'm late Spence," JJ rushed out as she approached the table. Her make up was a little off and she looked tired. "I really need to tell you something."

Spencer nodded after taking a sip of his water. "I actually really need to tell you something too Jennifer." The use of her full first name made JJ stiffen in her seat. "I was talking to Mrs. Blunt today and I have exceeded the limits of high school credits... So I am technically graduated now and I have offers to attend different universities around the country."

Under the table Spencer couldn't see his girlfriends hand slip over her abdomen. He could however see JJ slowly nod her head. "I told you summer school wasn't a good idea." She joked and she watched as her boyfriend smiled. "Well... I'm proud of you, you are finally making it out of that hell hole."

"So you're not mad?" He asked hesitantly. JJ had a wicked temper almost all of the time and there were no tell tale signs of when she was about to snap.

"I'm not mad." JJ replied as she reached her hand over the table to hold his tightly. "I could never be mad at you. You deserve this more than anyone I know, I'm really happy for you."

Spencer blushed a deep shade of red before he readjusted himself and coughed. "So... What did you need to tell me?"

JJ's eyes widened slightly before she rested them again. "Oh... I talked to my mom and she said you were more than welcome to join us for Christmas if you would like."

If Spencer had just tried hard enough he would have noticed the micro-expression that danced across her face. It was small shown by the twitch in her eye.

A week past, JJ and Spencer were standing in the air port waiting for Spencer's plane to boarded to LA. Cal Tech had been his number one pick so with JJ's blessing he accepted the offer. The two were wrapped up in each other's arms when the stewardess called out the brunettes number. Slowly he untangled himself from his sobbing girlfriend so he could look her in the eye. "I will call you as soon as I land I promise."

JJ nodded before leaning up to kiss him quickly on the lips before letting him run off to the terminal. As he let the lady scan his ticket he heard JJ call out his name; "I have to tell you something!" Spencer however was being ushered on by all of the passengers and missed the two words that could have changed him life.

"I'm pregnant"

*Present time*

"Well, well, well, chicken legs what do we have here?" Derek Morgan a co-worker and close friend of Spencer Reid asked as he pulled out a picture frame from the back of his friends closet. After two years of living in Quantico Virginia Spencer was finally moving out of his run down apartment and into a nicer one closer to work just a quick subway ride away.

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