I fight to hold off the tears. I wonder why my dad is choosing to tell me this story right before he walks me down the aisle.

"At night we would lie awake and discuss the type of men we hoped you and Liz would marry. She wanted you both to fall in love with someone that would treat you as their equal, as did I. She was adamant that neither one of you girls would tolerate any type of dysfunctional relationship in which you were treated badly. Your mom was strong willed and we always hoped that you and your sister would grow up to be just like her." He shakes his head and smiles. "We certainly got what we wished for."

"So do you think she would have approved of Hunter?" I ask as I dab carefully at the tears that are now threatening to spill out.

He turns to look at me for the first time since starting his story. "She would have loved Hunter. He is exactly the type of man we both dreamed you would find. He'll love you through the good and bad times, and will take care of you and support you financially and emotionally. But most importantly he will respect you and your uniqueness."

I almost don't know what to say. I'm so overwhelmed by his admission. "I'm glad to know she would have approved." I mumble as he wraps me in one of his famous bear hugs. The ones that always make me feel safe and loved.

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to make you sad. The only reason I shared this with you today is because I wanted you to know how proud Jan and I and yes, even your mother are with the choices you have made in your life. We love you so much and are just so happy that you are marrying someone like Hunter who will cherish you."

I step back and look at him. "He will." I nod.

"Oh I know he will, but incase he slips up don't you worry, I'll be here to put him in his place."

"That might be a bit difficult from Virginia." I laugh.

"Don't tell Jan, I told you, she wanted to wait till after the wedding, but we are moving to Nashville. So it's going to be VERY easy to keep tabs on Mr. Hunter."

"You are?!!!!!" I exclaim throwing my arms around his neck. "Why?"

"Because Jan and I miss you, Lizbeth and Lincoln. We want to be closer to you and our grand children."

"I'm so excited!"

"Us, too! But remember I didn't tell you this, so act surprised when Jan finally fesses up."

I giggle. "I promise."

"That's my girl! Now let's get this show on the road. We can't keep your future husband waiting all day!"


Hunter's POV

"So are you sure ready for this?" Matt asks jokingly. "There's still time to back out."

"Are you kidding me? Of course I'm ready. I feel like I've been waiting for this day my whole life."

"I know you have. I was just playing with you." He laughs.

Steve shakes his head. "You are so whipped."

"Hey, your turn is coming, man. Let's see how you act when it's your wedding day?"

Before I can say anything else, my dad enters the room. He looks directly at me then the rest of the guys from the band. "It's time to line up and head to the alter! Liddy and her bridal party are ready."

"Finally!" I cry, clasping my hands and looking towards heaven.

My groomsmen just snickers at my response.

"Andy, you and Matt are escorting Lynette and Jan down the aisle so you need to go meet them in the front lobby, right now."

"Okay Leo, thanks for the heads up."

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