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Jacob: Yayyyyy


Ariana: Yea


Ariana: Hi

I'm extremely nervous for tomorrow. My grandma, grandpa, mom, step dad, dad, step mom, both sisters, brother, other grandma and grandpa, and my other grandma and grandpa that live farther away are all coming to my art show tomorrow. Hopefully it goes good.


I woke up finished my homework with the help from my grandmother and took a shower. My dad called me while I was in the shower so I couldn't answer but when I got out he called my grandma.

"So are you coming home? Do we have to pick you up? Or what's going on?"


"Because we have to be there by one."

"I mean I just have to brush my teeth and I'm ready but do you want grandma and grandpa to take me?"

"I don't care but make sure your there by one."

"Alright, bye."

I have about a half hour. I need to clam down. For that half hour I try and keep calm. We left the house at 12:35 just to make sure we would get there on time.

When we got there, there was about 10 minutes until everyone was supposed to be there and when it opened.

//1 PM\\

"I can't help it anymore I wanna go look." My grandma said

"Alright" I laughed "Let's go look"

We looked around and I found all my pictures. She got to hang up all my work in so happy. I also found some of Tress and Rylan's.

We left the room and went to sit down to wait for everyone. Wow my dad was yelling at me to make sure I was on time. Look who's late now. The next person to come was my mom and step dad.


"Heyy, we've already looked at what's in there but I can take you to look if you want."

"Yes of course! I'm so happy for you baby doll." My mom said

"Thank you" I smiled

After I showed them mine and my friends we went back out then my dad and them came. I showed them around and while I was doing that my grandma and grandpa showed up then the ones who loves father away. I also showed them around.

"So there is one more person who is coming that is a surprise and you can't like freak out ok?" My mom said

"Ok" I laughed "Who is it?"

"He should be here soon."

Who the hell is it? I asked myself. My uncle maybe? I don't know.

Sure enough after about 5 minutes of visiting with my other family he walked through the door.

"Omg. No way. Are you kidding me?" I turned to my mom

"Nope" she laughed

I didn't know what to do. I was frozen. I didn't know what to think. Should I be mad, should I cry? I don't know.

He walked up to me. "Well are you going to show me your art babe?" He smiled his voice, his smile his everything. God I love him.

"Jacob, I- I can't believe it." I hugged him and tears started to come out

"Well hi to you to" he laughed

"Come on I wanna see your work." He said

"Alright but I have a lot of questions for you." I eyed him

"I figured" he said

I showed him my work and Rylan's and Trees. Then went back to meet my family again.

"Is it ok if I steal here for lunch we need to talk about a couple things" Jacob laughed

"It's fine with me." My mom said

"That's fine but drop her off at home when your done." My father said. Surprisingly he's being really calm about this. 

I man walked up to us before we left.

"I'm with the city's paper. Would any of you like to be in there?" He asked and my whole family pointed at me.

"What?! Why me?" I asked

"Because your the artist" my mom said

"Your going to have to get use to the fame there Ariana." My grandma said and laughed

"Alright mine as well." I said

"Ok great" the man said. He took my picture asked for my name, and what grade I'm in. 

"Ya get use to it you have 4 pieces in here." My mom said

"Wow really?" The man asked

"Ya" I laughed

After all of that me and Jacob left. He took my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"That was really cool." He said walked us to his car.

"I know, one of the best days ever" I smiled. We got in his car and he started it and the radio came on playing soft music.

"Before we leave I just want to do this sense we aren't around anyone." He said then kissed me.

My first kiss, with my first love. It was amazing. His soft lips moved perfectly with mine. One hand on my cheek and one still in my hand. Soon he pulled away and I wined.

"We'll have plenty of time to do that later" he said and winked

"Omg" I blush

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked

"Um Délish?"

"Where is that?"

"Oh ya" I laughed "You don't know where anything is" I laughed "I'll tell you"

"Ok" he smiled and put his hand on my thigh. I looked down at his hand, then up at him and smiled.

GUYSSSSS the guy I like was I think flirting with me!! Ahhhh I would turn around and he would say something really close to my ear and neck and he was just being flirty omgg have a wonderful day/night :)

Question: Do you like sports and if so what one?

(I feel like I've asked this before) but mine is hockey!!

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