« 23 »

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I just got to study hall my last class of the day, and I'm so excited because I don't have to run out of class and out of the school like every other day to get to the bus. I'm going to the hockey game today so I can take my time getting to my cousins room. My cousin is taking me to the game because she's the coach and also a math teacher in the high school so it easy to go to the games. And I'm more excited because I brought my camera so I can pictures at the game.

Ariana: How was your day?

//10 Minutes Later\\

Jacob: Good

Ariana: Wyd

//30 Minutes Later\\

Ariana: Ok :/

The bell rang and I went to my locker to get my coat and camera. I might say it's kinda weird carrying a Victoria Secret bag around in school but anyways I got to my cousins class room and set my bags, and coat down. I got my charger out and charged my iPod for tonight sense the arena had internet but only in certain spots so I didn't know where I would be sitting tonight.

"I'll be right back I have to go make copies if the copier even works" she laughed

And it was true the copier and printer they had almost never worked. I laughed and said ok. After a while my best friend Ana (who is on the hockey team) came in.

"Omg so my mom forgot to get me" She said and I busted out laughing

"I told her last night and this morning that I needed to be picked up after school and usually she's here so I called her and asked here where she was and she's like 'ohhh oops haha I'll be there soon'" Ana said laughing

"Omg that's great" I laughed

"Where's Lavender?" (Which is my cousin) she said still laughing a little

"I think she said she's making copies."

After a while Ana's mom got there and Levander had come back.

"Are you hungry what do you want for dinner?"

"No I just ate a sandwich." I laughed because I ate it right in front of her.

"I just ate it in front of you." I laughed

"Ya but are you still hungry?" She laughed

"No haha"

"I swear you never eat." She laughed

"I do to!"

"What did you have for lunch?"

I stayed quiet. I never eat lunch I just never am hungry.

"Nothing" she laughed

"Hey I had breakfast!" I said defending myself.



"Ya ok" she laughed sarcastically

I just rolled my eyes. About 10 minutes later she was done and we were leaving to the arena.

"Meet me over at the attendance office" Lavender said

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