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I was sitting in class when I got a message from Jacob. I couldn't answer cause my teacher is really strict on phones. All I could see it read was..

Jacob Anderson: Can we just b

I started to think everything possible. With Jacob you never know what it's going to be so I decided on the best and figured he was going to say something funny. But deep down we all know he isn't. After class I unlock my phone while walking in the hall way. I read the message. And I just I don't understand. I re-read it over and over.

Jacob Anderson: Can we just be friends?

I almost broke down in the hall way. I could feel a tear coming down as I got into my class. I quickly wiped it away so my friend Rylan didn't see. I finally decided to text back.

Ariana: Sure.. Why

Jacob Anderson: I'm sorry I just I've be having family problems and more fights lately

Ariana: Those fights did they have me or um were they about me.. :/

Jacob Anderson: No no don't ever think that

Ariana: Ok..

I started to feel more tears coming down as I was trying to draw. I wiped them up fast cause I could tell Rylan knew I wasn't ok.

"Ariana what's wrong?" Rylan

"Nothing" I smile at him

"It lying I know you better then that your my best friend"

"I- I can't I'll tel you later" I start crying more but trying to control it to not cause a scene.

Jacob Anderson: I'm sorry

Ariana: It's fine I just I don't want to lose you.. :'(

Jacob Anderson: Your not going to lose me trust me.

Ariana: Ok..

My anxiety was getting worse and my depression started kicking in.. I just wanted to leave. I just wanted quite. Nothing else, nobody else but me.

//Next Day\\

Ariana: Hi

Jacob Anderson: Hi

Ariana: Hru

Jacob Anderson: Horrible

Ariana: What's wrong

Jacob Anderson: You'll hate me if I tell you

Ariana: I can never hate you

Jacob Anderson: Your going to leave me if I tell you..

Ariana: I'm never leaving you I told you the only way I'm leaving you is if you want me to.

Jacob Anderson: :/ I understand if you hate me after and want to leave

Ohhh cliffhanger y'all probably hate me now XD sorry :p have a wonderful day/night :)

Question: what do you think Jacob is going to tell her?

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