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Ariana: Ok I'm going to add Jacob into the chat ok?

Angie Brown: Ok

Jacob Anderson added to the chat

Jacob Anderson: Hello how are you? :)

Angie Brown: I'm wonderful how are you?

Jacob Anderson: I'm great, what are you up to?

Angie Brown: Nothin really just cooking now and yourself?

Jacob Anderson: Nothing much

Angie Brown: Sooo what is it you have to talk to me about?

Jacob Anderson: Well I know this is a lot to ask but please just hear me out. I'm just going to be straight and honest with you when I was younger I use to get abused by my dad and he would break anything I had. All our money went to alcohol and drugs so we didn't have money to live so I've moved a lot. Right now my room is up in a loft that I have to climb a ladder to get to. Now when I met Ariana everything was good it seemed. She aways makes me happy whenever I had a bad day I would talk to her. She's just always been there. I just want something like that. I want to get them out of my life I want to live in a better environment. And so I was wondering if this summer around July I could come to live with you guys? It's a lot to ask I know and it's ok to say no and don't be afraid to take your time. And feel free to ask anything.

Angie Brown: Um ya I could talk to my husband about it. Why July?

Jacob Anderson: Well I wanted to wait until I graduate and 18 cause they wouldn't have a say.

Angie Brown: Well yes I will consider it :) the only problem is could you meet up with us?

Jacob Anderson: Well I live in Ohio rn

Angie Brown: Well my husband is a truck driver and he goes there a lot so I could see if we could met up somewhere

Jacob Anderson: Ya that would be great :)

Ariana: Seee I told u it was a big question and I didn't want to ask my dad cause that would go real bad

Angie Brown: Ya lol I wouldn't want him there anyways and I would like you to come live with me but oh well :p

Jacob Anderson: oooooo

Ariana: Omg

Angie Brown: You could at least let me have your sister

Ariana: Nope that not possible sorry

Angie Brown: Why not

Ariana: Cause I said :o :p

Angie Brown: Anyways lol Jacob do you have any questions?

Jacob Anderson: Oh ya how do u feel about video games?

Ariana: Omg Jacob really?😂😂

Jacob Anderson: Yup😂😂

Angie Brown: I don't mind them as long as you get your stuff done and don't screw around I don't care what you do in your free time

Jacob Anderson: Yay lol

Ariana: Wowww😂

Ariana: I'm gunna go now 😂😂

Jacob Anderson: Me too😂

Angie Brown: Alright bye sweetie talk to u later bye Jacob :)

Jacob: byee

Back to Jacob and Ariana

Jacob Anderson: Omg Omg omg

Ariana: Lol I told you

Jacob Anderson: I'm so excited!

Ariana: Me too!!

Sorry I haven't updated in a bit I was sick and haven't been writing but I hope you like :) have a wonderful day/night :)

Question: Favorite Sport?

Mines hockey! Goooo Wild!! Hockey is lyfe!!

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