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Ariana: Hey

Jacob: Hi

Ariana: Hey babe

Ariana: Hey hey

Ariana: Jacob

Ariana: Hey

Ariana: Guess what

Jacob: What's up :p

Ariana: Hi 😂😂

Jacob: Omg hi lol

Ariana: Baby

Jacob: Yes

Ariana: God I love that your mine

Jacob: 🙈🙈🙈🙈

Ariana: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jacob: I thought you were going to start doing that again I was like oh hell no😂😂

Ariana: 😂😂😂 no I wasn't

Jacob: Good😂😂

Ariana: Iiiiii

Ariana: Loveeeeeeee

Ariana: Dallltoonnnn

Jacob: I do too :p

Ariana: :p he's my baby :3

Jacob: I'm I chop liver now?

Ariana: 😂😂😂 no your my baby too he's just my baby baby😂😂😂

Jacob: 😂😂😂😂😂

Ariana: -_________-

Ariana: R u going to take Dalton out for Halloween?😂😂

Jacob: Duh

Ariana: Good what his he going to be?😂😂

Jacob: Penguin

Ariana: Aw cute😊😋

Jacob: Ikr :D

Ariana: Do you like scary movies?

Jacob: Eh Ima hold u super tight

Ariana: Aw☺️😂😂😂Ima make sure nothin gets you😂😂😂

Jacob: Ty

Ariana: :* I'll sleep with you too just in case

Jacob: Yayyy

//A Week Later\\

Ariana: So I have to talk to you about something

Jacob: Sup

Ariana: So sense my friends Alex and Rylan broke up Rylan's been more clingy and touchy like kissing my forehead and cheek and holding my hand... Idk what to do..

Jacob: Tell him to stop >:(

Jacob: Or Ima walk all the way there and put him in his place

Ariana: Before he was like a brother to me an idk it's weird and he knows I have you

Ariana: I'll tell him to stop tomorrow

Jacob: I just don't wanna lose you

Ariana: I know and Jacob I promise you will never lose me and you will especially never lose me to him. Nothing is going to happen trust me. You trust me right?

Jacob: Of course

Ariana: Ok😌 I promise I'm going to tell him tomorrow. I just wanted to tell you because I wanted you to know

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