Oh, its alright  ♫♪

Later that day while the Warblers were practicing hardly and the new directions as well , just outside the Mckinley Choir room we found a lurking Sebastian Smythe, Rachel was walking out while they took a 10min break and had her eyes down on her phone smiling as she found a text from Blaine "I had never seen a breaking dawn like today so beautiful with you beside me. I miss you. Blaine" with a silly in love smile on her face she bumped into someone and found Sebastian talking to a girl but he's eyes turned as soon as she looked he was now staring at her .

Now this player is also using one of the Mckinley girls , Rachel felt disgusted by the thought and decided to confront him, she walked up to him who was eyeing her like she was wearing sexier clothes than she was

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Now this player is also using one of the Mckinley girls , Rachel felt disgusted by the thought and decided to confront him, she walked up to him who was eyeing her like she was wearing sexier clothes than she was. "Such a pleasure seen you Rachel" She looked at him with a serious look but he was used to girls been hard to get so he had no problem swinging her over, showing Blaine he could not always be the winner the head . "Can I speak to you ?" He excuse himself with the girl and walked after Rachel entering one of the Mckinley classrooms "I wonder what those surprisingly sexy lips of your have to say to me" She nodded with a smile he had a charm she couldnt deny it and it had felt nice the compliment then the memory of why she was there from wash off her giggle "I know about you and Santana and I think your vicious getting in between a relationship as lovely and honest as the one Santana has with Dani, I want to ask you. No I want to demand you back off Santana 's happiness your are gonna ruin her and your simply playing her like yet another girl or guy she deserves better

Just as Sebastian was about to answer her Santana walked in she had heard every word Rachel said and was annoyed to have her messing around her life, truly Santana didint even knew what her deal with Sebastian was but she enjoyed messing around with him, for her it was all just too safe and rainbows and colors with Dani even with Britts weirdness she had always kept something interesting but now with Sebastian it was fun and excited she enjoyed the uncertainty.

Just as Sebastian was about to answer her Santana walked in she had heard every word Rachel said and was annoyed to have her messing around her life, truly Santana didint even knew what her deal with Sebastian was but she enjoyed messing around wi...

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"Wow Berry. Who you think you are my mother?  Sebastian and I are just messing around Ok , and either way its my life, you should focus on yours with your gay boyfriend who could end up trading you by a guy with less nose for all we know " Stoming out she sigh and nodded while her hand rest on her forehead nodding, Sebastian hadnt seen Santana mad and he had to admit that small fight had turned him on in a way but he was also conflicted he felt sort of bad for Rachel he approached her and made her look up at him 

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