The Connection Between Great Britain, United States, and Nursery Rhymes

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"Nursery Rhymes for Adult Spiritual Enrichment" consist of 40 nursery rhymes. These rhymes are the same that parents in the 1700's and 1800's recited to their children. The nursery rhymes have particular interest relating to the 1776 Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. That's because these nursery rhymes are written in the geographic area of Great Britain just before and just after the new United States of America declared independence from the tyranny of Great Britain. As an illustration, "This Little Piggy" was written in 1728 and "Humpty Dumpty" was written in 1797. We probably remember these nursery rhymes and others as being something that were fun to sing as well as having fun games to play along with. Then again, if we read the lyrics without the fun and jolly tunes we might wonder how these nursery rhymes could possibly be for the benefit of children. For example, in "Jack and Jill" a couple go up a hill together but they tumble, and "Oranges and Lemons" refer to those who want to chop off heads. As you read the 40 nursery rhymes in this book you will see the lyrics in this way. The spiritual enrichment that comes from these nursery rhymes is that human atrocities can be met with joy, faith, and perseverance. In this light, "Nursery Rhymes for Adult Spiritual Enrichment" is just that.

The following includes 1) An article called,"Interrupting the Cycle of Spiritual Tyranny." 2) The Declaration of Independence 

Interrupting the Cycle of Spiritual Tyranny

Pathogens cause disease. Tyranny is a pathogen that spreads spiritual disease. Tyranny is most often associated with government rulers, such as the King of Great Britain around 1776, but is also a pathogen found in homes, schools, church, work, public gatherings, and among our friends. Spiritual tyranny can be identified and diagnosed. Pathogens that carry spiritual disease work to deny the spiritual fruit from living in us, and their purpose is to oppose the living God. Tyrants use anger towards the quality of love, peace, faith, perseverances, kindness, goodwill, meekness, gentleness, joy, goodness, patience, and self control. They conjure up a false god that fosters hate, violence, despair, fatality, cruelty, ill intentions, aggression, harshness, sadness, evil, impatience, and out of control responses. Spiritual tyrants put on a sad and depressing face at the sight of God, and that sighting is by God's reward to us in the spiritual fruit. Tyrants view conversation as a bargaining process where they expect you to sacrifice the wholesome qualities of inner life in exchange for carrying the pathogen of spiritual disease. Tyranny is made of hard and calloused attitudes because there is no acceptance of the cure. The cure derives from soft and tender moistness of God's spiritual fruit.

Reservoirs of spiritual tyrants live and grow together to spread the disease that deteriorates the natural order of fleshly functioning. As they attack God's indwelling of the spiritual fruit, they cause the deterioration of the human body, disintegrate safety of the environment, creates social fragmentation, dictates irreverence to God, and infects people with negative energy.

Exiting those reservoirs are attitudes of words and behaviors that contradict constructive sentiments towards one another. Pathogens of spiritual tyranny are spread by tongues, hands, and feet. Tyrants utilize their words and behaviors to contradict God's purpose to sicken the blossom of spiritual fruit that manifest inwardly.

Transferring the pathogens of tyranny transpires directly and indirectly. Direct transference comes by those who want to rule the world by being the master of those they encounter. God is their complication so they attack the spiritual fruit because those fruit are signs of God's favor to us. Tyrants realize that those who live by the fruit of the spirit are in touch with infinite intelligence, infinite power, and infinite presence. God's infinite nature is a threat to the dominion of tyranny. Indirectly, the pathogen of spiritual disease is spread by those who succumb to all things tangible of this world. They reject God's spiritual rewards of love, peace, faith, and perseverance.

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