Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

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Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

.Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are

The light of a star usually stimulates interest to inspire star-gazing from a distance, but the closer a star is the more we realize it's a fiery inferno like the Earth's sun. This is like admiring famous people just to learn that they indulge in various destructive behaviors. In fact, a star really is a distant sun that is too high above to give warmth. If the diamond-like twinkle of the star is describing a person, we might think of the Bible's description of Lucifer who was the brightest of all heaven's angels until his fall to Earth. Apparently, Lucifer was not soft at all, but had all the hardness of a diamond and was far above the people that the universal deity wanted to be near to. The twinkle in his eyes was nothing more than fiery meteors shooting towards the inhabitants of Earth. Perhaps that is why we wonder what that distant, twinkling star is above the world so high, so far removed from us, like a diamond in the sky. The true light is near enough to us to provide warmth, growth, and familiarity.

In the softness of the spiritual fruit is warmth to bring people together in the essence of equality, like the Sun's warmth that gives life to all humanity. In contrast, hardness of our inner life makes us distant from one another, like a diamond twinkling far above in the night sky. The star draws attention to its own brightness, but lacks the ability to generate warmth for the inhabitants on Earth. The twinkling brightness of the stars is of no inspiration if the Earth's sun ceases to exist. The nearness of the Sun provides warmth, light, and life to all living creatures on Earth, but the distance of the stars are in a cold, dark, and lifeless proximity to us. The universal deity draws near to us through the spiritual fruit to grant warmth, light and life. In contrast, for someone to declare their superiority by removing themselves far above the population is cold, dark, and deadly because they remove themselves from the spiritual fruit. The brightness of their twinkle is nothing more than tactics to draw attention to their dictates. A compassionate government draws near to the people by bringing awareness and compassion, to generate the spirit of life for the people. A twinkling star that sets far above the people utilizes posters of hearts to publicize their concern for the population, but within their soul is hatred, cruel intent, and ill-will towards those living under their mandates. In the spirit of love, goodwill, and kindness are the attitudes that harmonize and bring cohesion to civilization through a government whose soul is for the ones they govern. In the twinkle of an eye of those who remove themselves far from society is the quickness to bring violent, aggressive, and harsh reactions. Even so, those who draw near to society desire to bring peace to humanity through a meek and gentle atmosphere in each neighborhood. The intent of those who bring warmth, light, and life is to instill optimism from person to person through faith, joy, and goodness. The twinkling of the distant stars makes promises of pleasant things to come, but the reality the people experience cause despair, pessimism, and evilness towards one another. Those who distance themselves from the culture they attempt to govern become short-tempered with warm, knowledgeable, and life-giving citizens. They become out of control and rely on abusive dictates which results in torrents of fatalities. Those who draw near to the spiritual fruit are patient, utilize self-control in the use of power, and persevere through the light and warmth that brings life. While the diamond-like twinkle of the star makes us wonder, there is definite knowledge of the one that brings life through a warm spirit of enlightenment.

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