Ride a Cock Horse

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Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross

To see a fine lady upon a white horse

With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes

She shall have music wherever she goes

The destination in this nursery rhyme is Banbury Cross by riding on a "cock horse," which is a high spirited or uncastrated horse. The purpose of the spirited ride is to see a fine lady upon a white horse with rings on her fingers and bells on her toes. The rhythm of the event is that she will have music wherever she goes. The cross usually symbolizes the occasion of giving our all for the will of the universal deity. Therefore, in high spirits the people go to Banbury Cross to see a woman permeating with music and bearing bells on her toes and rings on her fingers. The thrust is to inseminate spiritual life. Today, if we saw a woman adorned like that with all the music we might think in terms of some type of "pop culture." Even then, she was a fine lady with music in her soul while sitting on a white horse and drawing people to the cross. In addition, a horse symbolizes a power source to carry a purpose forward. In this nursery rhyme, one uncastrated horse brought the people to the cross, and the white horse was the enabler of the fine and musical lady. In this essay, we will consider how important it is to gather the people to unite in the name of the universal deity. First, a portion of potent history about Banbury Cross; in the 1600's, the Puritans destroyed Banbury cross, yet it was rebuilt 250 years later in 1859. In 2005, Princess Anne unveiled a large bronze statue depicting the fine lady upon a white horse of this nursery rhyme. It stands on the corner of West Bar and South Bar just yards away from the present day Banbury Cross. The divine presence of this universe is eternal and will be with us through all eras of time.

Music is a sign coming from our inward being that spiritual life is within us, and wherever music is the bells will ring to draw masses of people. The music in this nursery rhyme, "Ride a Cock Horse," is drawing people to the cross. The cross being the symbol of dying to carnal desires so that our inner life will flourish with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. When we think of music festivals we envision a large congregation of people. This is true relating to every type of music whether it is Rock, Christian, Pop, Metal, Country, etc. The unifying force that unites the various sectors comes from the inner spirit. The spirit that drives people together to a common destination works the same regardless of which sector of society they are coming from. We die to physical interpersonal differences to allow the Holy Spirit to unite us with cohesion. There is a "promoter" sitting on the "white horse," and there is the "cock horse" that drives the masses to the predetermined destination. In this nursery rhyme, there is a fine lady adorned with rings and bells and music sitting on the horse of promoting the cross. The inner life of the people were ripe to respond with high spirits to gather at a place that represents liberty, salvation, and freedom through the universal deity. Regardless of outer appearances, when the Holy Spirit calls through the craving for spiitual fruitfulness the masses will respond with high spirits. When people become heavily burdened with hatred, cruelty, and ill-will they thirst for compassion and become tolerant of various lifestyles and outer appearances. In that situation, the masses cling to the hope of love, kindness, and goodwill as they hear music as the the bells ring. That thirsting hope comes about because the people have experienced a history of violent, harsh, and aggressive consequences when attempting to come together in the spirit of the cross. Their spirit groans for the music of the soul that brings the promise of gentleness, peace, and meekness. When there is a promotion of tolerance for various lifestyles the masses of people respond in high spirits to come together to celebrate the new tranquility. It's a rebirth of faith, goodness, and joy that transcends appearances and differences of which the people are hungry for. When there is a mass movement in the rhythm of music honoring the cross, the populations of people respond within high spirits of hope. The inner life of the people are receptive to a toelrant message after being beat down with the tyranny of pessimism, evil, and despair. When they hear of the invitation to come to the cross, sent by the fine lady who has music and bells, they put ugly sentiments in check. They utilize self-control over disbelief, use patience to counter the impatience that comes with unbelief, and they persevere with a fruitful inner life in their quest to gather through the fruit of the Holy Spirit. In this light, let our inner life always be ready with spiritual fruit to respond with high spirits to the call to come to the place where the universal deity lives.

The message of the cross is to open our inner life for the purpose of emptying it of anything not of the universal deity. The divine spiritual presence refills our emptiness with an abundance of spiritual fruit. In the abundance of fruitful attitudes comes the music of our inner life. The Holy Spirit is attractive and draws the attention of many various lifestyles like sweet sounding bells with many rings. A beautiful spirit is attractive because the fruit of patience is more preferable in the eyes of others than what impatience towards them would be. Likewise, the fruit of self-control is more desirable than becoming out of control with others. Furthermore, the fruit of perseverance is much better to others than giving up on them with terminal results. As we open ourselves to the white horse of the universal deity then the horse of the Holy Spirit will permeate our spirit with the music, bells, and rings of patience, self-control, and persesecurity.In that spirit we discover health in our body, mind, and emotions.

The message of the cross is to have a mind focused on the regulatory functions of the universal deity to stabilize our life with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. When that happens, a tranquil music flows through us and conveys a serene invitation with bells chiming and various rings to bond us together. The appeal to the masses is that peace towards them is much better than violence. In addition, meekness towards them is much better than hostile aggression, and gentleness towards them is much better than harsh cruelty. A meek and gentle spirit of peace carries the music, bells, and rings of the universal deity who carries us through the Holy Spirit. In that spirit we discover safety and security.

The message of the cross is to embrace the tenderness and softness of the universal deity to bring harmony to humanity through the compassion of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. When that happens the music, bells, and rings of tolerance, intimacy, love, and belonging will be heard. For humanity, love towards one another is bebelonging.being hated, kindness is better than suffering cruelty, and goodwill is preferable over the abuse of ill-will. The fruit of love, kindness, and goodwill are the bells, rings, and music of the universal deity who compassionately grants to us the Holy Spirit. In that spirit we have a loving and intimate place of belonging.

The message of the cross is to bring us to the divine presence of our inner life, which is the universal deity. Music is a part of that process because it is personalized to give us joy, endurance, hope, and even love. There are always bells to draw attention to the supernatural spiritual realm to make us consider the reality of a presence that transcends human norms. When we discover the divinity of inner life the Holy Spirit will permeate our spirit, and that Holiness is apparent because we are full of spiritual fruitfulness. In that Holiness, peace will transcend our difficulties and tenderness towards life transcends a calloused world fixated on fatal attitudes. As we acknowledge the supreme worth of the 5th Element we respect the potential of everyone to discover the inward goodness. In that divine goodness our spirit manifests with the positive energy of the Holy Spirit. The message of the cross is that it is possible to feel spiritually desolate, conflicted with inner turmoil and become detached from the softness of life. Even then, the hope of the cross is that we can come to the universal deity who lives in us to redeem us with the positive energy of hope and optimism. Our soul can sing with our favorite music as the bells chime to make known the rings that bond us to the tolerant and universal deity.

The message of the cross enables us to associate our identity with the source of all that is right in this world. We cherish wisdom which is of the infinite intelligence, we have an inner sense of authority which is of the infinite power, and we feel connected from feelings of the infinite presence. The character of the Holy Spirit shapes our words, behaviors, and deeds into energy that is wise, carries authority, and is necessary across many neighborhoods and countries. The self-expression of who we are includes many rings of tolerance, permeates with appealing music of the soul, and the bells are always chiming on behalf of the universal deity. In reality, humanity prefers joy instead of pessimism, invites faith instead of being hopeless, and desires goodness instead of evilness. In that spirit the essence of who we are embraces a constructive way to self-actualize.

We can assess that the message of the cross is associated with the music of the soul, the attention getting bells, and the rings uniting various personalities. The universal deity is the horse carrying a supernatural invitation, and the fruit of the Holy Spirit is the horse compelling the people to the message of the cross. The diagnosis is that some people want to impede the gathering that comes through the divine goodness and thereby are in opposition to the Holy Spirit. Even so, we plan to give reverence to the supernatural presence of the 5th Element by welcoming the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We implement that plan by allowing the music of our soul to shine with the ringing of bells through love, peace, faith, and perseverance. The success of the plan is apparent as we give our all to the goodness of our inner life by being an instrument that carries the rhythm of a fruitful purpose forward.

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