See Saw Margery Daw

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See Saw Margery Daw,

Johnny shall have a new master,

He shall earn but a penny a day,

Because he can't work any faster.

We know that a seesaw is something that takes us up and down up and down up and down and requires balance in order to make it work. If you relate that to our work experience then being out of balance would mean that we would have to change jobs frequently.Having balance at the workplace would mean we would have a good relationship with our coworkers, customers, and with those who manage our day-to-day activities. When we are down on our luck and we need to find a new job then usually we are willing to work for a little less pay than somebody who is higher in demand. The most frequent complaint is that the work hours are too many, the work load is not spread evenly with other employees, or there is inadequate staffing to administer the work. We are marked as an ineffective employee when it comes to accomplishing the insurmountable tasks given us to do. In essence, we are disparaged as an employee and are not able to find a job to pay suitable wages to manage day to day living expenses. The theme of this spiritual essay will be to say that we have to realize who the Master is and who we work for moment by moment. As we work for the universal master of power in our life we will find stability in all that we do, even within ups and downs of employment situations. Our work is not based on the amount of worldly property we can produce, but rather our worth is measured on our civil contribution to one another. To have balance is to make a good faith effort to perform the tasks required of us by employers while maintaining our faithfulness to the goodness that exists in this world.

Have you ever had those days at work when you have so many ups and downs it just drives you to look for new employment? During those days you look around and just get the feeling that everyone else is making more money than you. When you are able to forget about the inequalities in wages, you look around and it's obvious that you are doing much more of the work than those sitting or standing around doing a lot less. On top of that, they make accusations that you are not working fast enough or that you are purposely slacking off and not giving your all for the work you were hired to do. In this situation, the balance we need to strive for is through the spiritual fruit of our inner life as we work for the divinity within.. When we work for the wages of the spiritual fruit then the see-saw becomes balanced as we have one master who rewards us fairly through love, peace, faith,and perseverance. Those spiritual rewards are important to stabilize our interactions with people in charge, with aggravating coworkers, and with our attitude towards customers. We always work at a pace that allows good fruit to blossom in our attitudes, what we think, how we feel, and in what we do towards other people on a daily basis. Whatever our earthly job might be, the qualities of kindness, good will, and love will always give us mercy, compassion, and an overall tolerance for the working experience. That is what the universal deity requires of us to earn the wages of peace, meekness, and gentleness. If we become unstable with worldly concerns then the workplace will become a volatile place full of harsh and cruel aggression. We see too much evidence of that in today's world. If rejection at the workplace makes us feel hopeless, filled with despair, instigates urges of evilness, invokes negativity towards the establishment, then we need to consider becoming a worker for the supreme master of the universe. The wages from that master is optimism through the spirit of faith, joy, and goodness in whatever unfairness we perceive at the earthly place of employment. In essence, if any job or anything we ever do in this life makes us want to give up on living, or to become out of control in a violent way towards others, or we become impatient for that time when we get that one big promotion then we need to walk away and reconsider ouroptions. The most important wages we will ever receive are the wages that enable us to persevere in every unfair situation. Those spiritual wages enable us to maintain self-control when the circumstances at work seems to beg us to become out of control, and to have patience with the absurdity of excuses. Those excuses can come from coworkers, customers, and managers to explain why you specifically need to be the person to do the task at hand. Even so, we work at a pace so that whatever we do, whatever we say, whatever we think, and whatever we believe will contribute to civility. The blossoms of the spiritual fruit in our life are the most important wages we will ever receive because they are wages from the supreme master of this universe.

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