Humpty Dumpty

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Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

And all the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again

Belief in our ability to recover after experiencing a crisis, tragedy, or great fall comes by removing the walls, or obstacles, that impede our well-being. Humpty Dumpty was sitting on a wall, like sitting on a treasure chest, but unable to access all the recovery mechanisms, or treasures, that exist on the other side. Because Humpty was prohibited from entering the place that keeps us all together, Humpty had an unbearable crisis, a great fall. This is not the type of crisis that prestigious people, professionals, kings, King's men or King's horses can put together again. The great fall that broke Humpty could only be prevented by having access to the spiritual resources of inner life. Likewise, in our brokenness, we can only be put together again from internal fruitfulness. The efforts of all the best professionals are not able to put us together again if a wall exists to the internal resources that bring mental, physical, and emotional healing. The beginning of our well-being, through spiritual fruitfulness, begins as the walls prohibiting entry into the divine realm of our inner life are broken down.

We should consider that our inner feelings contain the substance of the spiritual fruit, and we should allow those feelings to surface for the sake of our own welfare. When we bottle-up those fruitful feelings then we are effectively building a wall that prohibits constructive results in what we say and do. Therefore, we can comprehend how sitting on a wall will cause a great fall that external solutions cannot resolve. Because this nursery rhyme, "Humpty Dumpty," places the seat of Humpty in a prestigious place, let's assume Humpty was administering government policy. Now, we can envision why it would be a great fall to lose one of the King's officials, and the dilemma of all of the King's people not able to fix the problem. Envision Humpty as a social service administrator, but sitting on a wall of love, goodwill, and kindness. Then you can envision the creation of hatred, cruel sentiments, and ill-intentions that infested society. Those who placed Humpty in that administrative position would be very unhappy at the upheaval in the kingdom. That would be a great fall politically, and one that could not be fixed with external methods and certainly not without fruitful feelings from the people served. Likewise, there is the administrative seat that is assigned the duty of establishing a safe and secure environment. However, if they sit on a wall of peace, meekness, and gentleness, then harsh and aggressive violence would fill the land. Therefore, another government placed administrator is having a great fall that cannot be fixed with external appearances. Then, there is the seat of administration that instills in those served the ability to persevere with patience and self-control when suffering difficulties in society. However, if the administrator is sitting on a wall that gives the desire to continue constructively, then the social atmosphere would be filled with people who are impatient with the conditions in the kingdom, becoming out of control and impossible to manage, and suffering one fatality after another. The result is another administrator having a great fall that government leaders cannot fix. Then again, there's the seat where the administrator is sitting on a wall that blocks faith, joy, and goodness from manifesting which fills the population with despair, pessimism, and evilness. Yet again, the King's territory becomes an example of shame and tyranny as another government official has a great fall that cannot be fixed by political leaders. In this light, we can comprehend how important it is for us to not allow walls to be built that block the spiritual fruitfulness in our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Wherever we sit in life, we manage our inner being in such a way as to produce positive results to avoid the pitfalls of destructive and unfruitful consequences.

It's common sense that if we are open to the fruitful sentiments that are in us, then constructive attitudes come from us. In that event, it's just as apparent that if we build a wall to spiritual qualities then we close our inner life to constructive results. We could say that Humpty was preoccupied with building a wall to prohibit the general population from accessing the divine fruit of the soul. In the building of that wall, he closed his own inward being to fruitful blossoms, and desolated his administrative territory of positive results. Humpty Dumpty became so incompetent at managing the affairs assigned to him that he had a great fall. Due to the wall that closed his soul to blossoms of nurturing sentiments, he was filled with impatience towards the population, reacted with out of control rampages against the people, and perpetrated fatalities onto society. There was nothing within the grasp of earthly powers that could put Humpty together again. The lesson for us?: Always keep our inner life open to spiritual qualities to maintain constructive attitudes through patience, self-control, and perseverance. These qualities keep us together as we persevere in reverence for life instead of being broken by fatal consequences. We stay in one piece by being open to patience instead of being broke to smithereens through impatience by things "getting on our nerves." We remain intact by openness to self-control instead of being fragmented by rock-hard stubbornness that causes out of control behaviors.

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