Time skip to the next day brought to you by Bill Nye the Science Guy.

Beep beep.

5 minutes later

Beep Beep Beep

I groaned and and pulled the blanket over my head.

Beep Beep

My hand hit the alarm and it fell to the ground. It broke. I opened my eyes and sighed.

"Wednesday, here I come." I said to myself. I got in the shower and put on some clothes. Jeans and a sweatshirt to be exact. I pulled my hair back and went downstairs. Ross was sitting on the couch playing Destiny. He looked up and smiled but went back to his game. I got a cup of coffee and joined him on the couch. He paused.the game and looked at me.

"How's your head?" He asked. I touched it, but it was tender.

"It's fine. Where's Max?" I said and changed the subject. He shrugged and resumed his game.

"He left before I woke up. We are leaving in 30 minutes." He said before putting his headset back on. I sighed and went back in the kitchen. I dumped my coffee. I haven't been myself since my recent panic attack. My chest hurts when I breath. My head always has a massive headache; that just may be from hitting my head on the ground yesterday.

"Who wants to drive?" Ross asked.

"I don't wanna." Tim yelled from his bedroom. I sighed, I guess I can. I just realized my car is still at Subway. Oh well.

"If you have a car I'll drive." I said going to the living room. He nodded and turned off the game. We all headed outside and went to find the car.

"Here it is." Ross said and went up to a 2015 Ferrari F80. I gasped and ran up to it. I thought it was going to be a run old car but no. This is amazing.

"Who got this? How? Gosh." I said and squealed.

"Well Adam gave this to me for a birthday present. We was joking with me bevuase I can't drive. I still kept the car." Ross bragged I laughed and got in. I couldn't believe it, I love this car. I started the car and it vibrated. They got in and I pulled out. I sped down the highway blaring some Kayne West. (I really like rap). Ross and Tim was complaining the whole way. It was maybe because I was turning corners really fast and I was drifting. I practice. Once we got there they both looked like they were about to lose their breakfast.

"I'm never going to let you drive again." Ross said propping himself up on the side of the car.

"Amen." Tim agreed.

"Hey! I happen to be a great driver!" I protested, they looked at me like I was crazy. I laughed and walked in the office.

"Stella! Who was blaring that music? Were there teenagers or something." Adam asked. I looked at Ross and Tim.

"Meet your newest teenager. Hi, I'm a fan of rap music!" I said and bowed. I chuckled and turned to the guys.

"Oh lord." He mumbled and walked away. I skipped to my office and almost ran into Jason. I'm in a great mood right now. I looked at my schedule and saw that I was doing a challenge video with Adam and Max. This should be fun. I started to listen to my music when yelling came from outside my door.

"Adam! This is fucking all your fault!" Max yelled.

"Hey don't blame it on me! You were in my way!" He yelled back. I sighed. Time to break this up. I opened the door seeing drenched Max in some type of substance. He was in Adam's face, Adam is trying not to laugh. I walked towards them pushing through Ross and Ethan.

"I'm going to kill you." Max threatened. Adam laughed and Max got angrier. "That's it." Max pulled his fists up and aimed for Adam.

"Stop!" I said going in between them. One of Max's fist connected with my face. My head snapped back and hit the wall. His other fist was coming straight for me. I used my self defense and grabbed his hand and twisted it.

"Oww" Max complained as I blended his arm. My head was shooting with pain but I didn't care. It wasn't the first time I got punched.

"Back off." I said to Max and pushed him out of Adam's way. Everyone was staring at me and I shrugged.

"It wasn't the first fight I've broken up." I said causally. I looked back at Adam, he hasn't said anything.

"Y-you got punched." He said. I nodded.

"Anddd?" I asked confused.

"I heard your head hit the wall. Jesus! You should be in pain." He said. I gave him a smile.

"Who said I wasn't? God that fucking shit hurt." I said rubbing my head. I turned back to Max who was in between glaring daggers at Adam and concerned with me. I took his hand and walked back to my office.

"We are still doing the video together!" I yelled to Adam and closed the door. I turned to Max who was now sitting on the floor with his back against the wall.

"Spill" I said

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