Really Confusing Dream?

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This is a longer one but only bc I have to explain a lot of it.

So it's the apocalypse again! Or the end of the world. Idrk? There was this circle submarine thing and only a few people can fit in it. My younger sister, my friend alivia, me and other people I didn't know we're in the submarine. As we were leaving I had to leave my mom and dad so they died then I also saw my niece kaiya (she's 2) sitting in a chair waving bye so I thought she was going to die too. So in the submarine for some reason the inside I couldn't see the walls of it but I there was an outline of french fries indicating where the wall was. It made sense in the dream but saying it now makes it sound outrageous. So basically a friend was missing which meant there was a hole. And this random guy was like oh here and put a tiny fri in between them. I took it out bc it was too small to fix the whole and then I just attached the two fries together making it a bit smaller in the submarine.

Then, we ended up running out of fuel. Even though we are out in the middle of the ocean they send me and Roger the alien from American Dad out to this house that for some fucking reason has a gas station inside of it. So him and I ate getting fuel. Then out of no where, Roger hits me over the head with a frying pan and knocks me out.

I'm mad but thankful at the same time...


I wake up to MARK AND HE IS HELPING ME UP WITH THAT BEAUTIFUL BLUE HAIR OF HIS (this was before he dyed his hair red obviously lol)

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah, just my survival group left without me..." I respond.

"I can help you find them. I'm just out here on my own."

Of course I agree and go with him. We walk out and turns out we were in my old house even though the inside didn't look like it. So we are in my old neighborhood and we were trying to find my group.

(Where we are changes a lot and half the time I don't know where it really is)

All of a sudden mark turns into my brother and I'm asking him what it's like being a dad and if he misses when he could go out without worrying about finding a babysitter for his kids.

Then it turns into mark again. He says he has no regrets in his life besides not protecting his daughter. Yes, mark had a kid and she died I'm the apocalypse. I tell him I'm sorry about that and we keep walking.

Mark has a gun and out of no where this zombie comes up and starts to attack mark. He drops the gun and I grab it. I shoot the zombie and it dies. More start coming our way so he grabs the gun from me and keeps running. Then we come across like the "boss" zombie. Lol its funny and confusing.

So this random guy who I don't know comes up and starts talking to me while mark and the boss fight. Here's how the fight went.

So they fucking sit down and have a spin board in front of them and they take turns spinning the thing. And if it lands on a certain thing then mark wins. So mark does end up winning and for the final hit I take this giant ass ax and chop his head off. It was great. So then Mark and I continue our journey to finding my group.

Then we saw two cars about to crash into eachother. In one car there was my sister Sam and Maddie and Phil and Lil from rugrats. And then turns out in the other car was Roger. We stopped them from crashing into each other and Roger was stopped. Since we found my group I looked to mark.

"So this is it?" I ask.

"It doesn't have to be," he responds. He leans in and kisses me. His lips were so soft but he kissed me so rough. Even though this was a dream, it felt so real.

Then the dream ended with us handing out candy from a bag to my younger sister and Phil and lil.


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