Mark chasing me?

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I honestly have no idea what the plot of this dream was. It started out to have nothing to do with Mark. So basically, I wasn't me. I was some princess who was forcing a guy to marry her. And how I accomplished that was I had ring, handcuffs. Which were really just rings tied together by strings. Then my friend Jordayn, and some random girl came to pick me up, and that's when I turned into me. I started laughing and said, "I can't believe I got him to marry me!" And we all laughed and kept driving.

Keep in mind I forced him so he shouldn't have wanted too.

But instead he, mark, and Jack all start chasing us.

And they chase us EVERYWHERE!

We end up on some college campus.
We get into the library and slow down a bit, but they're still right behind us. Jordayn and the other girl tell me to go ahead and that they'll distract them.

I go a head and right when I get outside I'm at some sort of camp site. I start running towards a lake, which now that I think about it, it reminds me of crystal lake (surprised I didn't run into jason). Instead I run into my friend, Hunter. And he was being the biggest, most annoying asshole ever.

I get onto the dock and he keeps telling me I'm stupid and that I don't know how to swim? Like idk. But I kept yelling back that I do know how to swim and he can just shut the fuck up.

Wellllllll, I was a little too loud and I saw marks red hair turn to me in the crowd of people. I get into the water and start swimming, even though the water was nasty. Mark catches up to me and right when he grabs me I start drowning.

Then he also starts drowning and then the ambulance comes and puts us on gurney's. Then I look to mark and laugh and say we're in this together and I woke up.

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