Dysfunctional Family

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Candice's POV~

"Are you ready?" Nancy asked from the doorway.

"Almost." I answered.

I was sitting in front of my vanity, finishing the last touches on my makeup. We would be driving to Nancy's parents house tonight. First we would have to suffer through a painful family dinner.

I was always horrible with family dinners.

So I was pretty much dreading it.

I could only imagine how Nancy was feeling.

I glanced at her through the mirror as she silently took a seat on the edge of the bed. She seemed so lost in thought, oblivious to the world around her. I felt my heart clench for her.

She was a horrible person—for the most part. She had hurt me physically, emotionally and verbally. She was an alcoholic and an addicted smoker. She was distant, closed up and had built up walls around herself.

Yet, I still found myself hurting for her. I found myself comprehending her sadness and her sorrows. I found myself reaching out to her when all she wanted was to be left alone.

But then again something had momentarily changed within her. In only one day we had talked more than we had in the past two years. In only one day we had shown each other more affection and selflessness than we have in the past. In only one day I had seen her cry so much.

Nancy needed someone.

That much was obvious. Her twin brother had died and there was no way to ease the pain. Half her soul was gone...forever. It probably felt as if she was losing herself as well. Like letting her own self slip through her fingers. It was painful enough to lose someone close to you. I couldn't possibly share the depth of Nancy's feelings. I could only stand by her and support her.

Despite everything that happened in the past.

I finished the last of my makeup and stood up. I softly headed towards Nancy, who was still lost in thought. I stopped in front of her and she still didn't notice me. I hesitated for a second before reaching out and cupping her face in my hands.

She blinked a couple of times before locking her eyes in mine. Her eyes were teary but she mustered a tight smile.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

I rubbed my thumbs over her soft cheeks. I slowly traced her jawline. Her nose. I then tangled my hands in her short, soft, blonde hair.

Nancy's eyes were still locked on me the whole time. And my breath hitched in my throat. Because all in all...this was the girl I had once fell in love with. And right at this moment she was giving me that look. One that I hadn't received or seen in a long, long time. A look that I had found myself missing. That look that made me feel like the most special person in the world. Like the only person that mattered. Oh, how I had missed that look!

My heartbeat quickened when Nancy's hands rested on my waist. She softly skimmed her fingers over the dress's thin fabric. She then pulled me closer to her. Softly, gently. With all the care and precaution in the world.

"I'm better now." She said it barely above a whisper.

Her voice sent chills throughout my body. What was happening? Before I could think about an answer, I felt Nancy's soft lips on mine.

All thoughts left my mind as I felt her lips connect with mine. Something I hadn't experienced in a long time. The feelings, emotions and strangeness of it all caught me by surprise. I was shocked to say the least. I had surely missed the feeling of her lips.

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