27. No Idea

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

The girl drags me out of the building and into a black SUV and handcuffs me to the backseat. I'm so scared to say or do anything in fear that she might hurt me or even worse, kill me.

Once she gets into the drivers seat and starts the engine, I hear police sirens in the distance heading this way. The girl hears it too but just grins and starts to drive away. They're too late. No one can save me now.

I decide that I need to do something to maybe try to reason with her to let me go.

I take a deep breath before I begin. "So, umm, who are you anyways?"

The girls says, "Oh my gosh how rude of me! I didn't even introduce myself. The name's Veronica. And I already know who you are. The whole fandom does. You're like famous now." She laughs. "But not really cause they all pretty much hate you."

Ouch. "Good to know." I then ask a tougher question. "Why do you need me?"

Veronica looks back at me in the rear view mirror. "What do you mean?"

"Why me? Why not take one of the guys?"

"I don't understand why none of you get that. Look (Y/N), I'm sure you're a lovely girl. You just stepped into the wrong world. A world where you don't belong. Both you and I know that. You were a fan right? Just like the rest of us? Well why should you be able to be with someone like that. Everyone knows you just aren't good enough for him. And I think deep down inside you know it too. There's nothing special about you. You're just a normal girl like the rest of us. So someone had to do something. Someone had to remind you what your place is in this world. And when Logan finally dumped you, I thought you had actually realized that you meant nothing to him. You were just another fling of his. You aren't important. But then something crazy happened. You and him were back together. And that's when I knew that I had to step in and do something. Logan is confused right now that's all. He wants somebody special in his life but you, you're not special (Y/N). You are a nobody, a nothing. Logan will get over this. He's a strong boy. And he'll realize, just like you will, that you were never really worth his while. So to answer your question (Y/N), I needed to take you away from him so he can clear his head and get his mind straight. He's been under a lot of stress lately. He hasn't been thinking clearly. With you out of the picture he can start thinking straight again and focus on what really matters. Like the band. And the real fans. I did this for him. I did this for the band. I just want what's best for them. Don't you?"

I take a moment to think over what she said. Of course I want the best for them. Of course I don't want to hurt the band. But was me being around so bad for all of them? I mean maybe Veronica was right. But also maybe she was crazy. Why does she care so much about this? Why is it so important that she takes me away from the one person who I've ever truly loved. It just doesn't make sense to me.

And then a terrifying question pops into my head. What's next? What is she going to do with me?

"Alright," I say slowly. "So you got me away from them. Now what?"

Veronica grins like she was waiting for me to ask that question. "We'll I can't have you running right back to them or to the police now can I? That would be naughty naughty!"

"I won't say anything, I promise. I'll leave the guys alone and never mention this to anyone!" I plead with her.

She giggles menacingly. "Oh (Y/N), so naive. You know I can't trust you to do that."

We pull into a driveway and Veronica parks the car. She gets out and drags me out of the car and into an average looking house. Tan and pretty well kept up. But looking around there isn't much around. A few scattered houses. I have no idea where we are and I don't know how to escape from this nightmare. Maybe I can try to reason with her again.

Veronica brings me into a back room of the house, still handcuffed with a gun in her hand. One wrong move and she would use it for sure. 

She moves a rug that's in the middle of the floor to reveal a trap door which she opens up. "Alright let's go."

Logan P.O.V.

I want to go after her but I can't risk her safety. I'm literally just sobbing into my hands. I feel so helpless, so angry, so...defeated. That girl won and there is nothing I can do about it because it wasn't fair. I played a losing game. One that I should've never brought (Y/N) into. Now I have no clue what do to.

The door flies open and for a second I think it's (Y/N). That she escaped. But it's not. It's the police.

"Are you boys okay?" One of them asks us. 

I can't speak. I can't even move my head to look at them. I'm frozen in shock.

Carlos speaks up first, "She's gone. She took her and they're gone." He's not making much sense.

"Who's gone?" The officer questions.

James steps in to clear things up. "Our friend, (Y/N), was with us when we heard gunshots and we all hid in this room. But some girl came in and threatened us and took (Y/N) and left. We have no idea where they're going. But they're gone."

The police walk out of the room to question others. All I can hear is Carlos on the phone telling Alexa that everything is okay. But everything is not okay. Everything is far from okay. I feel like my whole world just shattered all around me.

I feel someone trying to comfort me with a hug and I look up to find that it's Kendall. I didn't realize I was still sobbing. "Hey man listen. We'll find her okay?"

"This is all my fault." I murmur. 

"Dude don't say that. It's not true."

"If I never...if I never went back for her and brought her here this wouldn't have happened!" I can't help but blame myself.

"Logan, I know how much she means to you but I don't think you realize how much you mean to her. She gave herself up to save all of us. I can see how happy she is around you so don't think for one second that she's better off without you because she's not. It may sound weird but you both need each other. So snap out of it and let's help the police find her okay?"

'You both need each other.'

Reminds me of what my mom said on the phone to me when she told me that I made a mistake in breaking up with (Y/N). They're both right. I need her. I will do everything in my power to find her and bring her back. I love that girl more than anything else in the whole world.

All Too Well (A Logan Henderson Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin