12. Picture This

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Logan P.O.V.

Wow that kiss was incredible. I wanted to kiss her a million more times like that. I missed her so much when we were finishing up the tour. I know I don't know her that well but I do know that I really like her. I get back to my apartment and go to bed, tired from a long day.

In the morning I get up and grab a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios. I have to go to the recording studio later today. I pull out my laptop and decide to go on twitter. Even though I don't tweet a lot or respond to fans all that much, I still try to read as many tweets that I can that fans send me. A few weeks ago, the fans trended 'Logan Loves His Henderwhores'. I laugh just thinking about it. Rushers have dirty minds but they are the best fans ever. Everyone on twitter always says I'm a whore or an inside out Oreo. It's pretty funny.

I'm scrolling through all the tweets when I come across a picture. It says 'Im going to kill that girl Logan is with!' I look at the picture. Oh my god! It's of me and (Y/N) last night when I drove her back to the lot where her car was. In the picture, I was hugging (Y/N).

Shit! I almost choke on my cereal. This is not good. This is not good!

(Y/N) P.O.V.

I hear some kind of music playing. I groan, still half asleep and push the off button on my alarm clock. Nothing happens. I still hear the music. I realize that it's my phone and not my alarm clock. I reach over and grab my phone from the night stand.

"Hello?" I answer probably sounding like an alien from just waking up.

"(Y/N), it's Logan. We need to talk like right now. Can I come over?"

That woke me up. He sounded angry. What happened? I told him my address and he said he'd be there in a half hour. I get out of bed and get ready but I'm starting to panic a little bit. What was going on? Did I do something wrong? His voice was urgent and he made it sound really important, whatever the emergency was.

A few moments later I hear my doorbell ring and I go answer it. Logan walks right in without waiting for me to invite him inside. He's carrying a black laptop.

"What's going on?" I ask him. My heart is racing.

He sighs and opens his laptop. "This." he says, pointing to the screen.

I look at him confused and then walk over to see what is on the screen. Its a picture of two people hugging. They are outside next to a car. Why is he showing me this? I squint my eyes and take a closer look. It's Logan and...me. Ok big deal?

"It's you and me. So what?" I have no clue why he is freaking out over this.

"Don't you get it?" he practically yells. "This was on twitter. People have seen this. Fans have seen this."

I shrug, still not quite getting it.

He sighs again. "Look, I love my fans, but they can be a little...overprotective."

"Oh, you don't want to be seen with me?" My heart sinks.

"No no no! Well actually yeah kind of. It's just that when one of the guys is seen with a girl, fans get really jealous and it's hurts the band. And they can be pretty ruthless." He looks at me and I look down.

He doesn't want to see me again does he?

Logan continues talking, "You remember when Carlos was dating Sammy right?" I nod. "They didn't tell anyone for a while. They didn't want to upset anybody. They eventually came out and made their relationship public. And well, the fans were very protective over Carlos. They found her twitter and started saying pretty terrible things about her. Calling her fat and ugly and not good enough for Carlos. The fans eventually realized that Carlos was happy with Sammy and they embraced her and accepted her a little bit more but it still hurt both of them. Our fans are the best but when it comes to other people getting close to us, they don't like that. They get jealous. I just...I don't want that to happen to you." He looks into my eyes with a worried expression on his face.

"So you're afraid that your fans are going to figure out who I am and torture me? What, you think they will find out where I live and kill me in my sleep?" I try to joke but he doesn't laugh.

"(Y/N), I'm serious and I honestly wouldn't put that past them. There are some crazy people out there. I just don't want you to get hurt." I smile at him and he smiles back.

"So what do we do?" I ask him.

"I guess we will have to be a little sneaky," Logan whispers in my ear seductively.

"Oh really?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah it will be our little secret," he comes closer to me and puts his lips against mine and gently pushes me against a wall. I put my hands on his chest, grabbing his shirt, and try to get closer to him. I feel his tongue touch my lips and I open my mouth, letting his tongue meet mine. The kiss deepens and he picks me up bridal style, still kissing me. I giggle and he puts me on the couch. Somehow I get on top of him and straddle him with one leg on either side of his body. We make out like that for a few minutes until Logan's phone starts to ring. He kisses my jawline and neck, ignoring it. The phone rings again.

"Maybe you should get that," I say in between breaths.

He groans and sits up, grabbing his phone. He answers it and talks to whoever is on the other line for a minute. When he hangs up he says, "I've gotta go to the recording studio."

"Okay, well call me when you're done and we can hang out later. I've got nothing planned."

"Sounds good." He smiles and kisses my lips one more time before getting up off the couch and heading to the door. "See you later!"

Logan P.O.V.

That picture really worries me. People are clever. I just hope our fans don't find a way to tell who (Y/N) is from the photo. I leave (Y/N)'s apartment and see two girls standing next to a room in the same hallway. They look at me as I pass. I shake it off, not really thinking about it. Why do I always think that every girl knows who I am. I'm sure they don't. They probably just live here too. I have got to stop being so paranoid.

When I get to the studio Kendall comes up to me right away.

"Dude, I was on twitter today and there's this pic-"

I cut him off, "Picture of me and (Y/N). Yeah I know."

"Logan, you need to be more careful. You know what happened to Carlos and Sammy, and now James and Halston." He looks at me, concerned.

"I know, I know. I don't want anything bad to happen to her." I tell him.

"I mean it's just a picture. They can't tell who it is. You weren't in public with her any other time were you?" Kendall asks me.

"No, I haven't seen her since...oh wait I went to her apartment this morning. But I don't think anybody saw." I'm rethinking everything now.

"And you're sure no one saw you?"

"I'm positive." I say, more to myself than to him. Then I remember something. "Wait..."

"What?" he asks with his brow furrowed.

"When I left the apartment I saw two girls who looked at me but I don't even think they knew who I was so I think we're safe." Again, trying to make myself believe that everything is ok. I decide to call (Y/N) anyways to make sure she was okay.

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