2. Connection

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Logan P.O.V

Another long meet and greet. I mean don't get me wrong, I love my fans, but doing this show after show gets a little tiring. I have to hug hundreds of people and take picture after picture. I probably shouldn't complain cuz I have the best job in the world and the best fans.

It's just today for some reason I am feeling a little down and homesick. I look at Carlos and see that he's making faces at a little girl who's crying, trying to make her laugh. He's great with kids. We smile at the camera and then those people are done and new ones take their place.

I sigh and look out into the line of people waiting for their picture while the next group of people make their way to us. I'm scanning the faces until my eyes land on this girl. She has brown, lightly curled hair, a heart shaped face, and gorgeous brown eyes.

I stare at her for a second and then she looks up at me and our eyes meet. "Logan!" James hits my arm. I brake the stare between me and the girl and look at him. "You ok man?" he asks me. "Yeah," I reply. We get ready and take another picture. I then look out into the crowd but I can't find her again.

Your P.O.V.

We looked at each other for probably about 2 seconds but it felt like hours. I stopped breathing, then he looked away to take another picture.

I turn to my friends "OMG Logan just looked at me!" I said with a huge grin on my face.

"No way!" Jordyn said to me smiling.

"Yeah! Oh my gosh he's perfect!" I reply.

"Umm no Carlos is perfect!" Jordyn countered.

"No it's definitely Kendall," Kayla joined in.

"No way guys. I mean look at James, he obviously wins hands down!" Mackenzie told us.

Oh no...here we go again. I laugh to myself as the girls continue to fight for their guys. I look back over to the stage and see that we are still pretty far from the guys. Kendall turns to the line and says that the guys are taking a short break but will be back shortly to finish the meet and greet.

Logan P.O.V.

"I need a break man," I whisper to Kendall as the last group walks off. I keep looking to the line of girls, hoping to see that one girl I made eye contact with again.

"Yeah I think we could all use a break." Kendall agreed with me. He turned to the crowd and told them that we were taking a short break but that we would be back shortly to finish the meet and great. All 4 of us went into a back room and sat down on the couches. The crew told us we had 5 minutes to relax before we had to go back out there.

"Dude, what's with you today? You seem so...out of it." James said to me.

"I'm not out of it." I try to defend myself.

"You're usually talkative and attentive during these things but today you keep staring into space." Carlos agrees with James.

"I'm not staring into space, I was looking at our fans." I counter and a slight smile appears on my face as I think of her.

"Uh oh," Carlos says.

"What?" I come back to reality.

"I know that look," he says, narrowing his eyes a little. I look at him confused.

"You saw a girl that was hot didn't you?!" James accuses me.

"What? Did not!" I argue.

"Oh my god you totally did!" Kendall laughs. "What does she look like?"

I look at all of them and sigh. "Fine you're right. I saw this girl in line and I don't know...it sounds stupid but there was something about her..like...ok don't laugh...but I feel like I just need to know her." I finish taking a deep breath and look at the guys. I see Carlos trying to hold back his laughter. "Go ahead guys laugh but I'm serious."

"Wow. I've never heard you talk like this before. You're always so flirtatious and cool with the ladies. I mean you go through girls like crazy but haven't really had a serious girlfriend." Carlos tells me.

"Logan, you don't even know this girl. She's probably a crazed superfan that is in love with our TV characters and obsesses over us 24/7." Kendall tries to reason with me.

"You're probably right but I don't know. I just want to give her a chance. Maybe she could be special." I tell them.

"Times up guys. Time to head back out there," one of the crew members tells us.

We get up and head to the door and Kendall says, "Don't worry, we'll help you man."

I shrug and we all make our way out to the fans and continue the meet and greet. Girl after girl comes up for pictures. I'm still looking for her, where is she?

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