17. Home Sweet Home

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

"We're here," Logan whispers to me and I slowly wake up and sit up straight. "Did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah. I guess I was tired," I laugh.

We get off the plane and get our luggage. Logan rented a car so we get in and start driving.

"Ahh...Texas." He smiles while breathing in the fresh air. I giggle.

"So where to now?" I look at him.

"Home," he grins.

"You have another house here?" I ask.

"My parents house," he replies.

"Oh cool." I say and then I panic. "Wait I'm meeting your parents?!"

"And my sister." he says calmly.

"Oh god," I think I'm having trouble breathing.

"What's wrong?" he looks at me, confused.

"What if...what if they don't like me?" I say quietly.

Logan takes my hand with one of his while the other is on the steering wheel. "They are going to love you. I promise."

"Your sister, too?" I ask.

"Oh especially her. She won't ever leave your side." He laughs.

"I bet you're excited to see them, huh?" I'm glad he gets to spend some time with them.

"More than you could imagine. It's hard not being able to see them that much." he looks sad.

"Well at least you find the time and I'm sure they understand." I reassure him.

"Yeah they're great. And don't worry about meeting them. Just be yourself and they'll love you." he smiles at me.

Not too much longer Logan pulls into a driveway and parks the car. It's a pretty big house. "It's so pretty." I say.

"Logan!!!" I hear someone yell. A little girl runs out of the house and jumps into Logan's arms. That must be Presley.

"Hey Pres!" Logan is grinning from ear to ear. "Did you miss me?"

She nods and hugs him again. Aww!

"Not as much as I missed you!" he hugs her back and spins her around. "Pres I want you to meet a friend of mine." he points to me. "This is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my sister Presley."

"Hi Presley," I smile at her. She looks at me and then gives me a quick hug. I'm surprised but I hug her back.

She goes back over to Logan and whispers in his ear, "She's pretty."

He smiles at her, then at me. "I know," he whispers in her ear.

I blush and smile back.

"Come on inside and meet my parents." Logan motions for me to follow him and Presley inside the big house. My heart is beating out of my chest, I am so nervous! I step inside the front door and am greeted by a man and a woman.

"Mom, Dad, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my mom and my dad." Logan introduces us. Logan's mom comes right up and hugs me. I hesitate at first but the hug her back. It must be a family thing.

"Hi (Y/N) how are you?" Mrs. Henderson asks me, smiling warmly.

"I'm good thank you. It's so nice to meet you guys," I smile back and then hug Mr. Henderson.

"Yes, you too. We've heard a lot about you." Mrs. Henderson says.

"Really?" I look at Logan. He gives his mom a look. I try not to laugh.

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