Raging Storms

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Y/n's POV

When we got to Pylos, we sent Frank and Piper to retrieve the supposed poison that was here. It took them a few hours, but finally, they returned with the prize. The poison was situated in a small vial, and while it didn't look like much, if it contributed to the physician's cure, I was happy we had it.

"According to my Pylos cousins, the chained god we're looking for in Sparta is my dad Well, Ares, not Mars," Frank clarified. "Apparently the Spartans kept a statue of him chained up in their city so the spirit of war would never leave them."

"Okay," Leo drew out. "The Spartans were freaks. Then again, we've got Victory tied up downstairs in a horse stall with a sock in her mouth, so I guess we can't talk."

"On to Sparta, then. But how does a chained god's heartbeat help us find a cure for dying?" Jason asked.

"I'm not too sure," Piper confessed and unsheathed her dagger. "Now, I don't see anything right now, but one vision keeps popping up; Annabeth and I are exploring some ruins. It may be in Sparta. In the vision, the two of us are in a dark cave staring at a bronze warrior statue. But when we touched it, flames started swirling around us. And then the vision ended."

"If the statue engulfs people in fire, maybe we should send Leo," Percy suggested.

"What a nice thought," Leo spoke. "I love you too, man."

"You know what I mean. You're immune. Or maybe if you give me some of those nice water grenades I can go," Percy proposed. "Ares and I have tangled before."

"I've gone on too many stupid missions for Ares, so count me out," I say. "And Percy, I'm pretty sure Ares wants nothing more than to bash your head in, so maybe you going isn't the best idea."

"If Piper saw the two of us going after the statue, then that's who should go. We'll be all right," Annabeth assured him.

"What about this stuff?" Frank questioned and held up the vial. "After the House of Hades, I kind of hoped we were done drinking poison."

"Store it securely in the hold," Annabeth responded. "That's all we can do for now. Once we figure out this chained god situation, we'll head to the island of Delos."

"Hopefully Apollo will be there since Delos is his home island. Him and I have always gotten along. Plus, he's the god of medicine," I mention. "He might be able to give us some advice."

"Uh, guys? This red sea serpent has been checking us out for the past few minutes," Percy announced as he glanced over the side of the ship. "Maybe we should take to the air for awhile."

"Airborne it is!" Leo chirped. "Festus, do the honors!" Festus creaked from where he was situated at the front of the ship, and within seconds, the ship hummed. The oars extended out of the sides of the Argo II, and almost immediately, we rose into the sky. "We should reach Sparta by morning. And remember to come by the mess hall tonight. Chef Leo is making his famous tofu tacos!"


The tacos were amazing, like Leo's cooking always was. I didn't know where he had picked up the skill, but it was definitely useful, especially during our first quest together. Once everyone had gone their separate ways, I headed towards my cabin to get some rest. I had just been on watch, so it was my night to get some sleep. When I entered my room, I slung my bow off my back and hung it up on its hook along with my quiver. I then stood there and admired the creation, which brought back some memories. Just then, a knock sounded at my door.

"Can I come in?" Leo quizzed.

"Yeah," I reply. "Just leave the door open. I don't want Buford bursting in on us." Leo entered the room, and when he saw me looking at my bow, he smiled.

A Quest of Eight; A Heroes of Olympus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now