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Y/n's POV

Frank had the dead lead us. And before I knew it, we all appeared in a dark room. Leo was on one side of the room trying to force feed Percy some ambrosia while Annabeth struggled to lift her head. Hazel was leaning up against the nearest wall, clutching her side, her sword on the ground a few feet away from her. In the center of the room, Hecate was facing Clytius, meaning we were just in time.

"Sorry we're late," Jason apologized. "Is this the guy who needs killing?"

Clytius had no chance. We attacked him from all directions, each of us using our own talents. Leo shot fire at the giant's legs, Frank and Piper were jabbing at his chest, Jason was kicking him in the face, Nico was slashing through the giant's darkness with his sword, and I was weaving around Clytius stabbing him in different places. Within no time, Clytius was on his knees and surrounded. Hecate stepped forward, and with a thrust of her torches, the giant's body crumbled to ashes.

"You should go now, Hazel Levesque," Hecate advised. "Lead your friends out of this place. Speed your way to Athens. Clytius was not wrong. The giants have risen, and all of them are stronger than ever. Gaea is on the very edge of waking. The Feast of Hope will be poorly named unless you arrive to stop her. Leave now. We shall meet again."

"Well she's friendly," Percy grumbled as the goddess disappeared.

"Dude," Jason said and gave him a bear hug as Piper cried and threw her arms around Annabeth.

"Back from Tartarus! That's my peeps!" Leo chirped.

"Thank the Gods you guys are okay," I breathe out and pull my brother and best friend in for a hug. "I've missed you guys so much."

"We've missed you too," Percy returned. "Thank you for keeping your promise."

"I wouldn't have broken it for the world," I tell him. "I'm just glad you guys are back with us. You don't know how bad things were when you guys were gone."

"You can tell us all about it when we get back to the ship," Annabeth spoke. As the three of us pulled away, I made my way over to my boyfriend and checked him for injuries. He didn't seem to be hurt, but I was still worried. Then, I kissed him passionately, not wanting to leave his embrace.

"You had me worried. After the ceiling collapsed, I didn't know if you and Hazel were okay," I say.

"I'm fine," Leo assured me. "Seriously. I should be asking you if you're okay." I wanted to question why Leo had said that, but when I looked down at myself, I chuckled. My clothes were covered in monster grime, my jeans were ripped in multiple places, and my arms were covered in cuts and bruises. Before I could tell Leo that I was all right, the ceiling shuddered and dust rained down onto us.

"We've got to get out of here. Uh, Frank...?" Jason trailed off, unsure of what to ask.

Frank shook his head. "I think one favor from the dead is all I can manage today."

"Wait, what?" Hazel asked.

"Your unbelievable boyfriend called in a favor as a child of Mars. He summoned the spirits of some dead warriors and made them lead us here through the passages of the dead," Piper explained. "All I know is that it was very, very dark."

"We'll have to shadow-travel," Hazel stated.

"Hazel, I can barely manage that with only myself," Nico reminded her. "With seven more people..."

"I'll help you," Hazel offered. "Everyone, grab hands!" I took a spot in the circle between Leo and Nico, and all of my friends clasped whoever's hands were on either side of them. Just as the cavern collapsed, I felt myself dissolving into shadow.

A Quest of Eight; A Heroes of Olympus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now