Atop Mount Diablo

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Y/n's POV

"Giant!" Jason yelled. 

Enceladus stopped chanting and turned around. "Well well well. What a nice surprise." He then opened his mouth, which glowed red hot. 

"Scatter!" Leo shouted. I dove behind a rock just in time, because Enceladus breathed fire at where we were just standing. 

"Who shall I go after first?" Enceladus questioned. "How about you, Daughter of Poseidon? Fire is usually defeated by water, but since there is no water in sight, your powers are useless." 

I stood up and brandished my sword. "Who says I need my powers? I've faced greater monsters than you and have killed them with just my sword."

"You entertain me, sea spawn. Sadly, I cannot spare you. You and all of your friends will die," Enceladus declared. That's when I charged the giant, not wanting to listen to his lies anymore. He punched at the ground in an attempt to hit me, but was a second short. I jumped onto his hand and climbed up his arm, and when I found a chink in his armor, I stabbed my sword into it. Golden ichor spilled from the giant's skin as he roared, but then he swatted me off soon, and I flew into the air. Thankfully, Jason was there to catch me.

"Are you all right?" Jason inquired. 

"I'm fine," I reply. "Jut find chinks in his armor." 

"Got it," Jason confirmed. Earthborn rose up from the ground as the battle continued, and Leo and Piper went after them while Jason and I faced the giant. And Coach Hedge, well, he was unconscious. Enceladus threw his spear, which grazed Jason's shoulder, and in Jason's moment of weakness, Enceladus breathed a wave of fire that hit Jason's back. The force slammed him into the ground, and his javelin broke in half, creating a crater on top of the mountain. Enceladus then pointed his spear at Jason's chest, and I knew that I had to make my next move count. 

"Leo," I call out. "I'm gonna need some help."

"Sure thing, Water Girl," Leo returned. "What can I help you with?" I nodded towards the machine closest to him, and when we locked eyes, Leo nodded. I watched as he ditched fighting the Earthborn and climbed into the machine, punching a bunch of buttons. Within seconds, the machine whirred to life, and a metal wedge swung out and slammed into the giant's chest. Piper helped Jason up as Enceladus pulled the axe blade free, and golden ichor soaked the front of his armor. I thought we had defeated him, but we all watched as Enceladus' injuries mended themselves, all the cuts Jason and I made were now just little scars.

"Leo, if you've got a rope in that tool belt then get it ready," Jason instructed as he leaped at the giant with no weapon. 

"Enceladus! Look behind you," Piper ordered. 

"What?" Enceladus quizzed and turned around. Piper's plan had given Jason the time to climb onto the giant and put his hands around Enceladus's neck. "Get off you puny demigod!" At that moment, I smelled the beginning of a storm, and I dropped to the floor just as lightning smashed into Enceladus and Jason. The lighting strike was so powerful that it even started cracking the ground, causing a deeper crater to form on top of the mountain. And when the smoke cleared, I saw that Enceladus and Jason were hanging on an edge on the crater, and the bottom of it looked like a bottomless pit. 

"Looks like you lost, Enceladus," I spit at the giant.

"You've won nothing," Enceladus retorted. "My brothers are rising, and they are 10 times stronger than me. We will destroy Olympus and you will all die." With that, the giant fell into the earth. Leo used a rope he had produced from his tool belt and pulled Jason out of the pit, and the four of us hugged each other. For now, Gaea was gone. Just as Coach Hedge got up, a helicopter circled directly over our heads. 

"Can you make a bullhorn?" Jason asked Leo. "Piper has some talking to do." Piper used her charmspeak to convince the pilot of the helicopter to take her father home, and now we were using it to fly to our next destination. Piper sat next to her dad, who was now awake, and talked with him while the rest of us took a quick rest. Our quest was still far from over. When the helicopter landed, we all climbed out out. Hedge agreed to take Piper's dad home just as an Iris message appeared in front of us. Thalia was calling. 

"Where are you guys?" Thalia implored. 

"Oakland," Jason answered. "Where are you?" 

"The wolf house," Thalia responded. In the background, I heard roars, yells, and metal clashing against metal. 

Jason frowned. "I don't know where that is."

"The park. Jack London," Thalia disclosed just as the image disappeared. 

"Sonoma Valley," Jason muttered. After that, Piper convinced the pilot to give us the helicopter, and Leo jumped into the pilot's seat. He grinned at the controls before turning back to us.

"Come on kids," Leo urged. "Uncle Leo is going to take you for a ride."

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