Attack on New Rome

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Y/n's POV

While Percy, Frank, Hazel and I were busy talking, a shrill sound pierced the air. I turned around just in time to see an explosion somewhere deep within the camp. Just as quickly, the Argo II launched a second volley. A massive spear wreathed in Greek fire sailed through the broken roof of the senate house and exploded. It wasn't long after that before the Romans crowded around us, all angry with their weapons raised. We managed to take refuge at a fountain where Percy and I could use our powers, but it didn't really work too well because now we were surrounded.

"What happened?" Percy asked Annabeth as she ran over to us. 

"I don't know," Annabeth replied. 

"I'll tell you what happened. The Greeks have fired on us!" Octavian shouted. "Your boy Leo has trained his weapons on Rome." 

"You're lying. Leo would never do that," I claim.

 "I was just there," Octavian countered. "I saw it with my own eyes."

"We have to leave. Now," Annabeth declared. 

Percy nodded. "Hazel? Frank? Are you guys coming?" 

"Of course we are," Hazel responded. "But you won't make it to the ship unless we buy you some time." 

I frowned. "How are you going to do that?" Hazel whistled, and a blur of beige shot across my vision. A horse then materialized next to us, and Hazel climbed onto his back. Halfway across the forum I heard shouting. Jason and Piper were being pelted with stones and plates, and I could tell Piper was trying to charmspeak the crowd. However, that wasn't working. Jason tried to shield Piper from the Romans, pleading with them to stop, but a brick caught him above his eye, and he crumpled to the floor. 

"Get back!" Piper screamed. The crowd hesitated and backed up for a moment, but I knew it wouldn't last long. 

"Frank, can you help them?" Percy quizzed.

"Sure. Just get to the ropes," Frank instructed. Percy, Annabeth, and I managed to push through the crowd, and we reached the ladder and began to climb up to the ship. Halfway up, I heard a roar, and a full sized dragon charged through the forum. Stones bounced harmlessly off of it as it lumbered towards Jason and Piper, grabbing them in it's claws before vaulting into the air. 

"Is that...." Annabeth trailed off, not able to find the right words.

"Frank? Yeah," Percy confirmed. "He has some special talents." If we didn't have Frank and Hazel distracting the Romans, we wouldn't have made it. There was no sign of Coach Hedge on deck, but Leo was there calmly loading the ballista. 

"Leo!" I yell. "What are you doing?" 

"Destroy them," Leo uttered and turned to face us. His eyes were glazed, and instead of their usual chocolate brown color, they were gold. Leo would have fired the ballista again if it wasn't for Percy. My brother tackled Leo to the ground, and my boyfriend hit his head against the deck before passing out. The dragon circled into view, dropping Jason and Piper who both collapsed against the deck. Frank then turned back into a human and landed on the floor. 

"Get us out of here!" Percy ordered Annabeth. She nodded and walked over to the controls, pulling a lever which made the ship soar into the clouds. I ran over to Leo to make sure he was okay, and everything looked fine. He had no injuries from what I could tell. He was just unconscious.

"Percy, why'd you have to knock him out?" I implore. 

"Your boyfriend just tried to destroy Camp Jupiter," Percy pointed out. "I saved our lives. This is why I don't let you date. You always manage to screw things up. Remember what happened last time?" 

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