The Lost Hero; Grand Canyon

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Y/n's POV

Our chariot landed on the sky walk of the Grand Canyon, but not as smoothly as I would have liked. I released my death grip on the vehicle, glad to be on the ground, and hopped off the chariot after Annabeth. The three teenagers we were sent to retrieve were all there, just like we were told they would be; a tall blonde boy, a girl with brown hair. and a boy that looked like a Latino elf with black curly hair and pointed ears.

"Where is he?" Annabeth demanded.

The blonde frowned. "Where's who?"

"What about Gleeson?" Annabeth pushed. "Where's Gleeson Hedge?"

"He got taken by some tornado things," the Latino answered.

"Venti," the blonde clarified.

"Storm spirits," I correct. "Venti is the Roman term. Now, could someone please explain what happened here?" The blonde explained how his school was on a field trip to the Grand Canyon, and when they arrived, the storm spirits arrived and tried to attack them. Hedge, being the guardian that he was, tried to fend them off, but failed, leading him to get taken by the creatures. So now, here were were.

"No no no," Annabeth muttered. "She told me he would be here. She told me if I came, I'd find the answers."

"Annabeth, I'm worried too, but you have to calm down," I console her.

"Check it out. It's the guy with one shoe," Butch pointed out and gestured to the blonde, who indeed only had one shoe. "He's the answer."

"No, Butch. He can't be," Annabeth insisted. "I was tricked."

"What did I just say, Annabeth? Calm down," I repeat and turn to to the teens. "Come on. We've got to get back to camp before those things come back. And the sooner we get away from this trap the better."

"Fine," Annabeth huffed and marched towards the chariot with Butch following behind her.

"What's her problem and what's going on?" the girl asked.

"I'll explain on the way," I promise. "But we really need to get to camp."

"I'm not going anywhere with her," the blonde argued. "She looks like she wants to kill me."

"Annabeth is dealing with stuff right now. Same as me, and well, the rest of the camp," I confess.
"She had a vision telling her to come here to find a guy with one shoe. That was supposed to be the answer to her problem. She's been looking for one of our campers. He's been missing for three days. She hoped he'd be here."

"Who?" the blonde questioned.

"Her boyfriend and my half brother," I reply. "His name is Percy Jackson. He just disappeared one night. But like I said, I'll explain later. Let's go." Once I finally got the teens onto the chariot, I learned their names. Jason was the blonde, Leo was the Latino, and Piper was the only girl amongst them.

"So, where are we going?" Leo quizzed.

"A safe place. The only safe place for kids like us, actually. Camp Half Blood," I respond.

Piper raised her eyebrows. "Half Blood?"

"Half human, half god. Annabeth is a daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Butch is the son of Iris, the rainbow goddess, and I'm Y/n, a daughter of Poseidon," I list off.

"Your dad is Poseidon! That's so cool," Leo chirped.

"That's what everyone thinks, but I think I'd rather be a daughter of Apollo," I claim.

"You only want that so you can spend more time with Will," Annabeth countered. "And you guys spend enough time together as it is."

"Is Will your boyfriend?" Piper inquired.

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