The Forge

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Y/n's POV

"I don't mean to push, but how did Beckendorf die?" Leo asked.

"An explosion," Will answered. "Him and Percy Jackson blew up a cruise ship full of monsters. Beckendorf didn't make it out."

"So he must have been pretty popular," Leo guessed.

"Oh, he was awesome," I confirm. "One of the best guys you'd ever meet."

"It was hard on the whole camp. Jake had to become head counselor in the middle of the war. Same as I did, actually," Will told Leo.

"And here we are," I announce and gesture to our destination. "The forge."

"Sup guys," Will waved to the other Hephaestus campers. "This is your new brother, Leo. We'll leave you guys to get acquainted."

"And make sure somebody shows Leo to dinner when it's time," I put forth.

Nyssa raised her hand. "I've got it." As Will started heading back to camp, I stayed back and approached Nyssa, who was studying some blueprints of different machines.

"So, Nyssa, I may need a favor," I say.

Nyssa groaned. "Another one?"

"Yeah. The Apollo chariot is wrecked and I-"

Nyssa cut me off. "Fine. I'll start working on it tomorrow."

"Thanks Nyssa. You're the best," I praise her and walk off.


Dinner for me wasn't as cheerful as it used to be. Once I grabbed some food and scraped some into the brazier, I took a seat at the Poseidon table, which was empty. I was going to be sitting alone just like I had the 3 days before.

"Hey," Leo greeted and appeared in front of me. "What are you doing sitting here all alone?"

"At camp, your meal table depends on your Godly Parent. And since Percy and I are the only children of Poseidon, and Percy is currently missing, I get to sit by myself. Your table is over there," I explain and gesture to the Hephaestus table, which was filled with other kids.

"Oh," Leo murmured. "Okay. Well, I'll talk to you later then." I watched Leo take a seat at his proper table and immediately launch into a conversation with one of his half siblings. Part of me was jealous, but the other part of me was used to it. I sat by myself for a long time before Percy finally showed us. As I picked at the pasta salad on my plate, Will slid into the seat across from me.

"Eat your food," Will instructed. "You need your strength for Capture the Flag tomorrow."

"I'm not that hungry," I mumble and push away my plate. "And you know that you can't sit here."

"Chiron was in a good mood today," Will informed me. "And he kind of felt bad for you having to sit here all by yourself. Now eat your food. Doctor's orders. You can't heal properly if you don't."

I raised my hands in surrender. "All right. I'll eat."

Last week, I was injured pretty badly on the climbing wall. I had fallen when I was halfway up and landed on my leg, the bone breaking on impact. Everything healed wonderfully with the help of ambrosia, and obviously Will as well, but he still wanted to keep an eye on me. Getting him to allow me to go to the Grand Canyon with Annabeth this afternoon took a lot of convincing. After eating a quick dinner, the conch horn signaled that it was time for the campfire. Will and I took our usual seats towards the front of the fire, and then we began making each other s'mores.

"You want the usual?" Will inquired.

"Of course," I respond. "Same with you?" Will nodded, and the two of us began making smores for each other. I liked my smores with a bit of peanut butter, which was pretty normal. Will, on the other hand, liked his with caramel, which was a bit off. Once we finished making our smores, we twisted our arms around each others' and put the smores in each other's mouths.

A Quest of Eight; A Heroes of Olympus FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt