Chapter 2

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Three weeks had passed since that Friday when she spoke to him. They didn't talk again and for some reason she tolerated his unwelcome presence. He had done every day what he did in that first week. He followed her wherever she went. Slept outside her window and waited outside her school.

She did every day what she did from that next week after they talked. She acknowledged his presence every morning when she got on the bus with a nod in his direction and again when she got off the bus in the afternoon. She wasn't aware that he slept under her window. He didn't think that she would be comfortable with that.

Her weekends were pretty predictable too. She would get up early to clean her room, then she did some studying and read books for the rest of the day. Sundays much of the same and church.

He noticed that she was changing and he was happy that it all was successful. She wasn't aware yet and he knew that it would soon be time. He felt her becoming more worried and he wondered if she suspected.

It is Saturday, four weeks after she spoke to him. The sun wasn't up yet and he was dreaming about her. She was crying. He didn't like it when she was crying. He woke up a second later. Something was off. Chris peeked into the window and saw that she wasn't in her bed. He listened and realized that she was in the bathroom and she sounded sick. It sounded like she was puking. 'So it finally started.' He thought to himself. He waited for her to return.

Soon she would go with him willingly and all this will be over. No more sleeping outside in the cold or eating out of a takeout box. He would have his life back again. He liked how normal his life was when he wasn't doing something for his family. He liked how he could just do normal human things like go out with normal human friends. Jason would be there too but Jason was more human than he himself was.

She was back in her room and looked like she was really sick. He felt sorry for her. She got clothes out and went back to the bathroom. He heard the water running. 'She would feel better after a shower.' He made his way to his car but for some reason didn't drive home like he usually did. He sat there waiting, watching the front door expectantly. She appeared twenty minutes later and made her way towards him.

She stopped just as she reached the passenger door and looked at him. She looked worse than she did when he last saw her.

"I need to go see a doctor. Could you take me please? I can't tell my parents."

"Get in." He felt how sad and afraid she was. "Are you ill?"

"Something like that."

He didn't ask her anymore questions and drove slowly out of his parking spot and into the street. "Do you know where I must go or can I take you to my doctor?"

"I don't have a doctor, I don't get sick. Your doctor would be fine."

They drove the next few minutes in silence. He made a quick call to the doctor telling her they were on their way. It wasn't really his doctor, it was more of a 'his kind' doctor. Lisa needed one of those.

They stopped in front of the mansion ten minutes later and watched Lisa's surprise. "We are here."

"Are we going to see her at her house?"

"Yes, it is a little early for her to be at her practice, but don't worry, she has everything here she needs to do her job." He got out and opened her door for her. "Come on, don't be scared."

She nodded and got out almost falling when she stood up too fast. He grabbed her just in time. The doctor opened the front door and ran to where Chris and Lisa stood.

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