Well, that's too bad. I answer to no alpha and he can't order me to come. If he wants to see me, he has to come himself.

The wolf growled in anger. Logan's wolf stepped closer but Eric's gave it a stalling look. No one defies the supreme alpha's orders. You and Connor have already killed some of our own and that alone is enough to give you the punishment of treason. You think your stunt on the Silence Pack has--

What happened to the Silence Pack is nobody's business, Eric cut him off with a growl. He took a menacing step closer to the old wolf. It's between Adrian and I. He pulled me into their territory and what happened to the wolves was a consequence. I think an apology is long overdue. He turned on his hind paws and started to walk away.

Logan, who'd been thrown to the sidelines, saw his partner leaving and got up from his sitting position. He jumped down from the boulder he'd been on, and trotted over to Eric.

What're you gonna do?

Eric's wolf grunted and gave him a side glance. I should ask you that. This is your territory.

Yeah, but he's not here for one of my own.

Well, report to Stefan about your intruder.

Uh-huh? His tone said 'Are you kidding me?' Stefan would be forced to hand you over.

By the way, does he know I've been here for two years?

He rolled his wolf eyes. Are you seriously asking that? It's his territory.

I'm yet to meet him.

I can arrange that.

Sure do.


Eric turned to see the old wolf still there. He narrowed his eyes at him. Our conversation's over, ollie.

He bared his teeth at him. It's Dane, and we're not done. You have forty-eight hours to turn yourself in. Adrian has already met with the council.

Eric's wolf smirked. So, he has now.

The council has settled things with him.

Out of curiosity, he asked, if you're a rogue, what's your role in pack business? Ben is not your alpha.

The other wolf charged at him with a thunderous growl. Eric went into a defensive stance. You will call the supreme alpha's name with respect.

Eric's fore paws pushed down the wolf the moment it got to him. Why defensive? He's not your alpha. Unless you work for him outside a pack.

Dane paused in his attack.

I'm right, then. Good. I have a message for you. He brought his face very close to Dane's, their snots an inch apart. Tell Benedict Fisherman that I said...

"What now?" Logan asked his partner fifteen minutes later. They were dressed in human form and heading towards the classroom block.

Eric sighed. "I think that's like the fourth time this afternoon this question's been asked." He glanced at him. "Funny enough, Logan," he paused to take a deep breath, "I don't know. Whatever Dane expects is not gonna happen."

He shoved his hands into his pants pockets and stared ahead. "I think you should leave town."

A soft snort was his reply.

"You should. Alpha Ben is not someone you mess with."

"What I don't understand is why someone has to be up in my case."

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