(LIII.) - Part Two

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Jess peeled one eye open, and eyed her with it. "Go away," she grumbled out quietly.

Her mom didn't pay attention to that. She dragged the covers off her body, and examined her with careful hands.

Jess was too tired to show surprise. She half-expected her to screech in her ear about how lazy and dirty and unkempt she looked.

"Have you changed your sanitary pad?"

Her head moved up and down with the speed of a snail.


"Earlier this morning," she croaked.

"What about medicine? What have you taken?" She placed the covers over the lower half of her daughter's body.

She shook her head in the same slowness.

"Oh goodness. What is wrong with you?" she said in a higher pitch. Jess winced. "What do you think you are? Superhuman? I didn't give birth to one."

Jess mentally scoffed at those words. Unfortunately for you, Phyllis is the only normal child you have.

"Get up. Get up. You need to take a shower and some medication." Zoe held her arm and helped her sit up. "Esme will be here to help you into the bathroom. Heather is busy. Sit still, okay?"

She said nothing.

Zoe picked up the house phone and dialled the maid. Next, she called Carrick who'd come to rake the backyard, and ordered him to go to the nearest pharmacy to get certain drugs she listed to him.

In the next twenty minutes, Jess was stripped of her clothes and deposited in the bath tub. The hot water scorched her skin the moment she stepped in. After some time, it got used to the heat and even welcomed it.

Her bath felt wonderful. Hearing her mother order everyone to treat her well had also been wonderful. She started to think that she had to be sick to receive her mom's undivided care and attention.

However, she wondered why this month's cycle felt worse. Though she felt pain and fatigue other times, they weren't enough to make her feel like a hopeless case. Oh, yeah, she hadn't taken chocolates. She really needed those right now.

Later in the evening, her phone rang. She picked it up immediately without checking caller ID.

"Yeah?" Gosh, she sounded like a dying frog.


Oops! Doudall. Great. "Yeah." She cleared her throat. It came out in an eery, scratchy way.

"What's up? Karen told me you're sick. Sounds like it." There was a sound as if he smacked his lips together. "Can I come over? Do you need anything?"

"Chocolate," she whispered.

He heard her, though. "What brand? Dark or white?"

Woah, this guy was thorough. "Dark. Hershey's. The one with nuts." She snuggled further into the duvet Esme had wrapped her in. The whiff of bacon and cheese reached her nostrils from the food tray sitting on her nightstand. "Nothing but that."

"Okay. Um... Are you on any medication?"

She swallowed. Her hands were starting to get sweaty. Her heart beat faster. "I am. I'll... be fine."

"Okay. Your mom won't send me away if I come, right?"

She almost shook her head. "No."

"I'll be there soon. Don't worry, okay?"


"Get well soon. I..." He paused. His breath came out heavy, as if he'd sighed. "I'll see you." Then, he abruptly ended the call.

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