|Wavy| 1

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chapter one

Miani sat in class waiting with only one thing to look forward to. The bell. Even though she was ready to leave, she made sure she got her work done. Moving her curly hair out if her face, she continued to write notes. She fixed her tan cargo shorts that she wore because of the hot Georgia weather and continued what she was doing.

Mr. Benson scanned the room looking for two people to argue or in other words debate. "Miani." Looking around to see who was calling her name, she spotted Mr.Benson.

" Yes." She answered.

" I want you to debate against Raymond on the topic, who would make a better president Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump." She nodded her head and looked towards Raymond who was smirking at her. Miani watched as he turned around and began whispering something to his friend, Marvin.

They both laughed, but Miani really didn't care at all. As they say, only God can judge you. Raymond has been Miani's archenemy for the longest, despite his muscular body, peanut butter skin tone, and beautiful face she could never find herself attracted to him.

" Which side do you want Raymond, Hilary or Donald?"

" Donald." He replied dryly, leaving Hilary to Miani. Mr. Benson then asked who would like to start the opening argument and Raymond raised his hand.

" Donald Trump would be a much better president because of many reasons, but I'll state one. Men are better than women at these types of things." He said smartly.

" Oh Raymond, your such a sexist. Woman are just as equal as men. And If you didn't know, Donald Trump is trying to send immigrants back to their country and taking back the ' good ones'." Miani did a hand gesture with two fingers on both hands. Raymond made a dumbfounded face, remembering he hadn't done any research like he was supposed to.

And as if just on time, the bell rang. Miani picked up her belongings and had to sit straight back down.

" The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do." The whole class groaned. " Alright, you may leave." She quickly got up and headed for the door and as always Javier, her boy bestfriend or in this case, her only friend stood waiting for her at the door.

" Hey Bighead." Javier smiled hugging her. Miani blushed looking at her bestfriend. He had just gotten a fresh tapered cut, leaving the top curly and wild making all of the females drool. Most would wonder why he was hanging with her, but it was a relationship only they would understand.

" Hey Javi." She retorted back mushing his head with her hand.

" Man, why you always tryna' do that." He smacked his lips and swatted her hands away from his head so he could fix his curls. Whenever he would get a fresh haircut, Miani would always do that just to make him mad since he was so conceited for a boy.

" Why are you so conceited then?" She questioned raising an eyebrow.

" Why are you so beautiful then?" He replied back making her blush. Javier had always had a crush on Miani ever since they met, but she had forever been oblivious to it to notice. He had fell in love with her caramel skintone, innocence, intelligence, and even her small butt.

" Whatever." She smiled walking ahead of him, they continued to talk and goof around making their way to the cafeteria.


" Mi?" Javier's deep baratone voice boomed.

" Mhmmm?"

" What you want for lunch?" She stood by him tapping her index finger on her chin for a moment thinking of what she wanted, finally deciding and telling him she wanted a medium fry and shamrock shake from McDonald's. Being different from other schools, their school was basically a place where you could find any fast food restaurant and that's one of the many reasons it was voted one of the best schools in Georgia, well by the students.

Although many people wanted Javi to sit with them at their table, he only wanted to sit one on one with his bestfriend and chat. Luckily for them, they had last lunch, so right after this they would be able to go home.

" You ready to go, future baby momma?" Miani giggled at his comment and said yes. They began to walk out of the cafeteria, but a feminine voice made them stop.

" Jav?" A voice everyone knew, Heaven. With a name like that, you would think she was beautiful, but to the eye she was pretty but on the inside she was ugly. With her little crew behind her, she put on a big smile.

" What Heaven?" Javier said not hiding the annoyance in his voice.

" I wanted to know if you wanted to do something maybe." She smiled all in his face, however she got a reaction she didn't expect.

" Nah, Ima' be with my bestfriend." He smirked as he snaked one of his skinny arms around her waist. Heaven stomped away angry that she had been embarrassed infront of her girls, but also because she had just been played by a boy, not being able to take rejection. Everyone knew Heaven was a hoe, she got around with everybody, everybody.

All of the girls mugged Miani, being followers and not liking her just because Heaven didn't like her and followed behind Heaven with no minds of their own.


The two sat in the car with Jhene Aiko playing loudly, because she was one of Miani's favorites. She sung along, with Javi admiring her beauty while driving. She wasn't one of those girls who had bad voices, but she wasn't the best singer. Her voice was okay, she didn't sound like a dieing dolphin like some girls.

Javier pulled up to her grouphome she lived in, and turned the music down a little.

" Are you gonna finally come to church with me this Sunday?" Miani asked with this looked she always used on everyone, it always got her anything she wanted.

He licked his lips before speaking, " Only if you do something for me." He smirked.

" What?" She would do anything just for him to church with her. She was truly a church girl, whatever you'd like to call it.

" I want you to do something with me." Miani became anxious, wanting to know what he wanted to do.

Before she could protest, Javier spoke again, " And before you ask what, I'm not telling you." Miani huffed but agreed anyway.

" Promise shake." Javier obliged and did their shake. They slapped hands and kept them together, kissing each other's cheeks twice.

Miani opened the car door and closed the door to spend another day in hell, or as others would call it a foster home. She blew him a kiss, signifying that the door was open, so he could leave. He pretended to catch it and put it to his lips playfully and pulled off. Being at this grouphome was many of the reasons she was so active in church, to give her hope of something better for her and her little brother and also because her parents grew her up in church. She took a deep breath mentally and physically preparing herself for another day at the home.

So how was the first chapter?
What do you think about Miani and Javier's relationship?
Do you think he will make a move?
Miani is in the media
Please leave comments and critique or T The Queen B will think she's doing something wrong.😂

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