"Whats wrong?" I asked him, noticing his worried expression.

"The triplets- or terrible threes- are impossible to get out of their room! I'm going to have to bribe them with sweets or something," Evan grumbled, heading down the passage without another word. 

"Just as moody as his brother," I said aloud, heading over to Mason's door and knocking on it twice. 

"Come in," A voice answered, the pristine door opening easily under my hand. 

"Food's almost done," I stopped short just inside his room, rolling my eyes at his shirtless figure as he leant against his bathroom doorframe. 

"Like what you see?" He said with a suggestive wink, flexing lightly.

"Put on a shirt, loser," I rolled me eyes, picking up the nearest piece of fabric to throw at him, thinking it was a shirt- until I saw what they were. "Ew!" I yelled, dropping the boxers down to the floor. "Please tell  me those were clean!" I shouted at the laughing Mason. 

"Shouldn't have picked stuff off of my floor!" He picked them up in a swoop, dangling the black boxers in front of my face with a smirk. "They're just boxers!" Throwing them into a corner, he reached over me to dig through the drawers behind me, his chest close to mine. 

"They're dirty though," I crinkled up my nose, ignoring our close proximity as I kept my eyes on his face and not lower at his well defined stomach. Eyes up, Sky, I reminded myself, watching as he pulled a shirt on over his head. 

"It's just skin," he teased, face inches away from mine. His lips were a light pink and looked so soft, I could probably very easily just- I shook my head clear of these thoughts. "Skin you'd be lucky to see one day," Mason continued with a smirk, noting my pink cheeks. 

"Creep," I muttered, trying to cover up as I pushed his chest lightly and hurried from his room, exhaling deeply. "Too close," I mumbled, heading towards the stairs. 

"Don't you want dry clothes?" Mason called, I could hear the laugh in his voice at how flustered I was. My foot hit the first step as I turned to shake my head at him. 

"I'll just grab a towel from your mom," I replied, walking down the stairs as he caught up to me easily halfway down.

"Fine, but if you get sick, it's not my fault!" He whined, jumping the last step and walking into the spare room before emerging with a grey towel and handing it to me. 

"Thank you," I said with a smile, wrapping the towel around my wet clothes as we entered the kitchen, triplets fighting with Evan as he tried to get them to sit at the table. Mason grumbled and went to his brother's aid, their mother placing bowls down on the table filled with delicious looking food. 

"I made lasagne and mac 'n cheese!" Evelyn said, gesturing to the table, "I didn't know if you were vegetarian so I made both."

"Told you so," Mason said with a smirk, pulling out a chair and attempting to seat a very wriggly child. 

"Kids!" Evelyn shouted sternly as she lay down plates, the triplets as well as Mason and Evan stopping to look at her wide eyed, "Let's act like civilised human beings and sit down properly, before I get upset! And you do not want to see a me get upset!"

Evelyn laughed at her children's shocked expressions, looking from me to their mother before they all simultaneously rushed to take a seat, "That's what I thought."

I took a seat down next to Mason, laughing softly, "She's terrifying when she gets mad," he whispered, Evan nodding in silent agreement. 

"Right," Evelyn said, taking a seat at the large table beside Evan, "Lets eat!"

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