Dear (Y/n),
It sucks you don't have your little boy toy huh. Well, I have some people that want him.... All you have to do is stay awake and don't say a word about this... Basically leave yourself locked in this room. If you fail to keep these orders, your precious Kai will be put into the hands of dangerous people.

-You know who

She gasped as she held the note ripping it up. Even if she was hurting because of him she would be there for him. She knew this would be the end of her. No sleeping, no drinking, no eating, no coming out of her room, and no talking. She would die for him even though everything had happened. Stay awake that's all she had to do. Otherwise he promised to take Kai away. After all she wanted to die anyways. She knew no one would care they were all too angry at her still. She knew that she deserved every terrible thing that was thrown at her. She wanted this. She knew it would numb her pain. Dead. That's all she wanted to be. (y/n) never wanted to be suicidal ever but it hurt and she was alone. She couldn't handle it herself. She was worthless, a disappointment, a cheater... (y/n) accepted all of this. She knew it was for the best.

-Time skip to a few weeks later-

Kai woke up and yawned trying to sit up only to be found he was bound by ropes and not in his home. The ropes were stronger than usual. He pulled against the ropes with all his might, but they wouldn't give."Don't bother." A voice said. He looked up to reveal a thin girl with bloody wrists and bruised eyes, bound with the same rope. "I already tried."... He knew that voice all too well. "(Y/n)?" He asked trying to scoot closer to her. "It's me... and I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you I couldn't do it...this is all my fault." she said hoarsely. She wanted to cry but she had no more tears left to cry. She was weak, no food, water and sleep does quite a deal on you.

"W-what do you mean? What happened to you? Where are we?.." Kai asked scooting next to her as best as he could. "I-I got this note tell me to stay awake in my room as not to speak or else you would be taken, and after a week or two I passed out!" Her tears finally were able to fall, coming all out like sprinklers. "Hey, this isn't your fault you could've died! Thank you for trying to protect me, but I can do that myself." Kai groan annoyed. Everyone always thought he needed help, but most of the time he didn't.

(Y/n) began to cry harder than before. Kai sighed, "I'm sorry you had to go through this but all would've been well if you tried to tell me." She frowned. "Can't you see I couldn't!!! You don't understand, I've been here for multiple days and nobody noticed. I did it for you!"

Kai bite his lip. He knew she was doing something good to protect him even if he was being a jerk to her. She never creased to be loyal even when all relations between them seemed to be at a dead end. "You're right. I am sorry. I am being a terrible person. Thank you for protecting m-." Kai stopped in mid sentence hearing a deep
menacing laugh, ring through the corridors of the hidden far off place where they were kept hostage.

"Well, well, well." the male figure spoke stepping into the light. His long shaggy messy black hair lay down his back. His red eyes gleaming through their souls, it seemed. "The two young strangers are talking again." Kai growled. "Who are you and what are you doing with us?" The mysterious male laughed. "What am I doing? Well...You ruined me. I plan on returning the favor."

Kai looked at him confused. "I don't even know you." The figure laughed his evil laugh again and paced slowly around them. "You may not, but I know you. You did something that angered me.. Now you two stand up and do as I say or Skylor gets hurt." Kai gasped. "Where is Skylor! Tell me now and Don't hurt her!!!" The man laughed. "I knew that was going to happen so I hid her far away from here so if you find a way to escape you couldn't find her." he grinned mysteriously. "Now stand and follow me, and when I untie you, don't get any ideas of running off or the bomb planted on her gets activated." Showing the dooms day device he cut their binds.

(Y/n) gritted her teeth angrily standing. "You are a sick man." He didn't take any offense though only scoffed. "You know I'm charming, darling." He grinned slapping (y/n) in the face causing her to yelp in pain, she held her cheek. "You've got as much charm as a dead slug." The man rolled his eyes. "Apologize! Now!" (y/n) yawned. "Im sorry that your little sorry life is a piece of crap. Grab a shovel and bury your stupid hatred!" She yelled, glaring at him. And If her looks could kill, he would've been stabbed, staked, buried, dug up, and staked again for good measure."That doesn't sound like an apology" he frowns."Bite me"

Kai slowly walked behind trying not to speak out or doing anything. He wanted to protect his girlfriend. She wasn't dying on his watch. "Stop it (y/n)! Don't get my girl killed. please..." Kai sighed looking at the ground. "Right. Im sorry." She bellowed ashamed.

The man stopped at a cliff. "What are we exactly doing here?" Kai asked afeared about what was going to happen. "I'm glad you asked. So, in order to get my revenge I need you to answer something." he smirked. "What?"
"You see I need you to chose...between Skylor and (y/n)." Kai opened his mouth to speak. That shushed him. "There's a catch. You choose Skylor, You got to push (y/n) down this cliff to her death. If you chose (y/n), you have to press this button and Skylor is dead, kaboom she goes."

Kai stood there wide eyed along with a shocked (y/n). The man sneered at there expressions.

"You're choice." he started.

"Skylor or (y/n)?........."

Very long chapter I know! And long wait, with a cliff hanger I'm sorry I've been editing like crazy it takes awhile when a chapters this long, but I hope you enjoy and get suspense during this chapter!

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