he understands me

Start from the beginning

He said smiling

C:hey..um kurt?

Chad suddenly peeks his head from the corner of the wall.


C: are you done yet?

ku:maybe, maybe not

I guffawed

C:well can i ask you something? Real quick.

Ku:maybe, maybe not

This man..

C:its about crys

Ku:what about him?

C:no , Cryssssss, not Kristtt

I laughed..kurt looked at me.

Ku: what about her?

C:well, you know. You asked if sheeee wanted to like, be in the band so yeah, that.

Ku:well someone was eavesdroping.

I laughed. Kurt just smiled.

C:well. WE were eavesddroping.

Said Chad pulling Krist from behind him.

k:heyyy dude.
Chad, what the fuck man!

Krist told Chad.

C:well what the hell did you wanted me to say?

ku:hey!both! What i actually wanna hear is why the hell were the both of you eavesdroping?

Krist flushed.

K:sorry Kurt.

Ku:yeah. Whatever

C:Can we join?

me:yeah sure

I smiled. Both of them sat next to me on the couch.
Krist lit up a cigarrette.

K:want one?

me:no thanks...i dont smoke

Ku:you dont?

Me:nnot really


askes Krist taking a drag

me:i dont know

ku:Wanna try?


K:here you go

Said Krist handing me his cigarrette...kind of unsanitary but i dont care.

Smells Like Teen Spirit(kurt Cobain)Where stories live. Discover now